The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Missing Girls Found Alive; Kidnapper Adam Mayes Commits Suicide

Alexandria Bain, 12, Kyliyah Bain, 8, are reported safe This guy was on the FBI Most Wanted List: It’s the end of the line for fugitive Adam Mayes. The two Hardeman County [Tennessee] girls that he abducted were found alive Thursday evening. 8-year-old Kyliyah and 12-year-old Alexandria Bain are alive and safe. Mayes was found […]

Closet-Case Democratic Party Official Infected Ex-Girlfriend With AIDS Virus?

Jay Parmley and Rebecca Burgin Last week, we noted that Jay Parmley, who was forced to resign as executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party after being accused of sexually harassing a 26-year-old male staffer, had claimed to be the victim of “right-wing political enemies.” Alas, it appears that the real victim was a young […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Mathematical Impossibilities Happen

“Rick Santorum charged of out Tuesday’s wins in the South with a fresh claim to being the chosen son of the Republicans’ conservative flank. Mitt Romney limped out with something that could endure longer: an enhanced lead in delegates. “Under the cruel math of the prolonged GOP primary race, Mr. Santorum’s victories in Alabama and […]


UPDATE 1:55 a.m. ET: Mitt Romney wins all nine of American Samoa’s delegates, just like Guam. I say we sell ’em both to China. Package deal. Good riddance! UPDATE 1:05 a.m. ET: Earthquake in Vanuatu. Just a coincidence, right? UPDATE 12:15 a.m. ET: As of now, according to the Associated Press, Mitt Romney has 472 […]

The Expert Agrees: Polls Are Crap! BONUS: @ESantorum2012 in Hawaii

Nate Silver of the New York Times shows a surprising humility in explaining the limitations of polling, particularly with the situation we’re facing in Alabama and Mississippi: We don’t have what you might call “data depth.” Unlike the early states (e.g., Iowa or South Carolina), we don’t have a long string of polls, several every […]

Sources Close to Christina Hendricks Could Not Be Reached for Comment

When you’re seeking a metaphor for “no chance in hell,” certain impossible scenarios immediately come to mind, which was what I was aiming for in my American Spectator column today: Monday, Carl Cameron of Fox News was the vehicle by which “sources close to the Gingrich campaign” floated a trial balloon, suggesting that former House […]

Expectations, Inc.

Ed Morrissey on tomorrow’s primaries in Alabama and Mississippi: Gingrich really needs to win both states to remain in the race, or split them with Santorum at worst case. If Romney wins in Alabama, he can claim to have won in every part of the country, while Gingrich can’t even claim to have won all […]

If Rick Santorum Wins Kansas …

. . . it will add to the valuable perception of renewed momentum he got from his strong showing on Super Tuesday, when he won primaries in Tennessee and Oklahoma, as well as the North Dakota caucuses, came within 1% of Romney in Ohio, and ran a strong second nearly everywhere else. And it looks […]

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