The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Vain in Their Imaginations’
God-Haters and the Tucson Massacre

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools . . . — Romans 1:21-22 (KJV) Vox Day quoted from that famous passage in describing the auto-beclownment of University of […]

Shocking: Gangs of Minnesota Lutherans Charged in Child Sex-Trafficking Ring

Because you know how those Minnesota Lutherans are: MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Twenty-nine people have been indicted in a sex trafficking ring in which Somali Lutheran gangs in Minneapolis and St. Paul allegedly forced girls under age 14 into prostitution in Minnesota, Tennessee and Ohio, according to an indictment unsealed Monday. . . . The indictment […]

Double Shot O’ T-Paw

by Smitty Via The Lonely Conservative, a fine, humorous, positive clip of the sort which should inform more political speech: Meanwhile, the Insta-visionary also had T-Paw on for some slightly more detailed Q&A, starting with a 2012 presidential statement that falls well short of the full Sherman. I like his call for fortitude from leaders, […]

Beat Keith Ellison . . . For the Children!

There are 435 congressional districts in America and even a stone political junkie can’t keep up with every campaign in the country. So I sometimes run across great candidates more or less at random: Republican Joel Demos seems like he’s got a great sense of humor, and he’ll probably need it, because the 5th District […]

Crazed Ewok Endorses Hard-to-Spell GOP Candidate in Minnesota 8th District; Cravaack Considers Restraining Order

Chip Cravaack isn’t a name that rolls easily from the tongue, but after Ed Morrissey highlighted a poll showing the Navy-pilot Republican challenger surprisingly close to Democrat Rep. Jim Oberstar, Ace of Spades jumped aboard in his inimitable way. Check this guy out: What Ace is doing — what I’ve been doing, and what we all should […]

Do Not Hesitate: Bloviate

by Smitty We can admit that flannel trumps bespoke in Sean Duffy’s new ad: However, we can only deplore the sad attempts of one TrogloPundit to credit himself for the product. He had what must have felt like an original, creative idea, but merely proved an echo of such coming from a less hapless head. […]

Michele Bachmann Endorses Joe Miller

by Smitty (h/t Libertarian Republican) This blog hopes that by 2014 Minnesota has found a suitable replacement for Michele Bachman, so that she can do her Nancy Sinatra impression using Al Franken as a mat. Wouldn’t that be the campaign ad of justice? Michele in boots working out to Nancy, standing on a life size […]

PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS HQ UPDATE: Buck Beats Norton in Colo. UPDATE: Recount Likely for Georgia Republican Gubernatorial Candidates UPDATE: McMahon, Caligiuri Win in Connecticut Republican Primaries UPDATE: Ray McKinney Wins GA-12

UPDATE 11:33 p.m.: Michelle Malkin reports from Colorado that Jane Norton has conceded in the Republican Senate primary: It’s official: Norton concedes to Buck, via CBS4Denver: “I fully endorse Ken Buck, and I encourage you to do the same.” 11:50 p.m. ET: Associated Press: Tea party favorite Ken Buck has defeated former Lt. Gov. Jane […]

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