The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Breitbart Talks WeinerGate

MINNEAPOLIS Everybody I saw downstairs this morning at the Right Online conference kept telling me, “You look rough.” As well I should. My flight out of Dulles yesterday was delayed more than an hour on departure. By the time I arrived, checked into the Hilton and had dinner — bangers and mash at a British-style pub downtown […]

Left-Wing Groups Getting Psyched Up for ‘Netroots Nation’ Event in Minneapolis

Between 1999 and 2005, George Soros donated $535,000 to Alliance for Justice (AFJ), which has also received major donations from liberals like Ted Turner and Barbra Streisand. One of AFJ’s main activities is to help Democrats block the appointment of conservative judges (they supported filibusters of President Bush’s nominees) and to push for the creation […]

T-Paw: It’s Going To Take A New Pres.

by Smitty (h/t Tatler) If the early returns on Althouse’s poll hold steady, people are ready to vote against The WhiOne. The contrast couldn’t be much more stark between BHO and T-Paw. Are we ready for somebody with competence, experience and human warmth, without so much egomania? I’m willing to say yes. Tim Pawlenty 2012 […]

Note To Tim Pawlenty: Ladd Ehlinger

by Smitty SOL/Puffington Host reports that Governor Pawlenty has retained some Canuck named Baiano to improve the cut of his jib: Lucas Baiano, a 23-year-old former Hillary Clinton supporter, is Canadian-born and dresses in perfectly-starched white shirts, slim-fitting sports jackets and tight designer jeans. His job is to make Pawlenty appear larger than life. And […]

Get Pawlenty’s ‘Courage to Stand: An American Story’

by Smitty I didn’t write a novel, true, but I did just finished reading Tim Pawlenty’s book, and I must confess some mystification. The book is a great read. Pawlenty comes off as a seasoned, sharp, dedicated leader. He reveals a deep faith, for the social conservatives. Believers in the Progressive Faith will call him […]

Sickest News You’ll Read All Day

“Krystal Violet Norby, a 25-year-old Minnesota woman was jailed after she allegedly photographed herself having sex with two children and a dog. . . .”

‘Man Was Born Free, And He Is Everywhere In Chains. . .’

by Smitty “. . .especially where the ideas of Rousseau are linked,” to paraphrase ol’ Jean Jacques. If Kabul was a movie, it would be Groundhog Day. I can’t lay any claim to the big picture, but I hope all the blood and treasure invested here amounts to something. The tempermental WiFi service was OK […]

Professor on Aborted Babies: ‘I Look at Them Unflinchingly and See Meat’

“I’ve scooped brains out of buckets, I’ve counted dendrites in slices cut from the brains of dead babies. You want to make me back down by trying to inspire revulsion with dead baby pictures? I look at them unflinchingly and see meat. And meat does not frighten me.” — Paul Z. Myers, University of Minnesota […]

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