The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Another Illegal Alien Kills a Woman

  This time in Minnesota: The man charged with fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend in the Shakopee apartment they once shared before slashing his own throat has a criminal history that led to his deportation to Mexico as an illegal immigrant several years ago, federal officials said Tuesday. Enedelia Perez Garcia, 27, died in the apartment […]

New-Age Cult Connection Emerges in Lesbian Couple’s Mystery Suicide Plunge

  Jennifer and Sarah Hart, the lesbian couple who adopted six children and drove off a cliff in an apparent family suicide last month, had connections to a New Age spirituality cult, according to multiple sources. The Harts regularly attended the Beloved Festival in Oregon, which involves former followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (“Osho”), a […]

‘Emotional Abuse and Cruel Punishment’: Woman Reported Lesbian Couple in 2013

  More background on the story of Jennifer and Sarah Hart, the lesbian couple who adopted six black children and died when they drove their SUV off an oceanside cliff in California last week: A woman said Tuesday that she told Oregon child welfare officials in 2013 that Jennifer and Sarah Hart — who plunged […]

A Jihad in Minnesota

Tnuza Jamal Hassan is charged with first-degree arson. An Islamic terrorist has attacked a university in St. Paul: A former St. Catherine University student charged with setting fires on the college’s St. Paul campus told police she did it because she’d “been reading about the U.S. military destroying schools in Iraq or Afghanistan and she […]

Anti-White Radicals Terrorize Republican Students at the University of Minnesota

‘Antifa’ radicals terrorized Madison Faupel at the University of Minnesota. Minnesota is one of the least “diverse” states in America — 85% white, with single-digit percentages of minorities: 6% black, 5% Hispanic, 4% Asian. You probably wouldn’t expect too much from Minnesota in the way of militant racial activism, except that it’s a bastion of […]

Sex Trouble: Feminist Androgyny and the Polymorphous Perversity of ‘Queer’

@KayleeSeranada‘s future homecoming reunion? “Genderqueer, as it is, refers to a person who uses various gendered techniques from across partitions in order to either express themselves, prove a political point, or both. “A genderqueer person can have any gender identity, but the mixture and way of combining of that, their gender performance/expression, and their bodily […]

Gas Leak Suspected Cause of Minneapolis ‘Little Mogadishu’ Explosion, Fire

Lee Stranahan pointed out that the Minneapolis neighborhood where there was an explosion and fire Wednesday is known as “Little Mogadishu” because of its largely Somali population. The building where the blast happened is next door to a mosque. Concern about a possible terror connection seems logical, but officials tell the Minneapolis Star-Tribune they believe […]

Mark October 30 on Your Calendar: Democrat Panic Hits Pandemic Stage

COLUMBUS, Ohio This will be seen in retrospect as the day liberals began to realize that Obama was going to lose the election, the day The Great Wall of Denial (erected by Nate Silver and the Democrat Graveyard Whistling Choir) proved itself too weak to withstand an encounter with reality. Yesterday, Jim Messina called the Romney super-PAC’s ad […]

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