The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Other War on Women, or: It’s Not Harassment When Democrats Do It

He “pulled a weiner”: A state representative in Massachussetts is  being investigated after allegedly sending pictures of his genitals to a  government computer. The investigation is ongoing and the  committee has not formally reprimanded the individual in charge, but it is being  widely reported that Democratic State Representative John Fresolo is the one  behind the […]

If Anyone Can Pull An Upset In The Mass. Senate Election In June, It’s A Navy SEAL

by Smitty The bad news is that, according to this, it does not appear that Sean Bielat is running for the June 25 special election for the Senate seat vacated by “Medal Chuckin’” John Kerry, who at least can differentiate between a yacht and an Olds Delmont 88, whether or not it takes considerable public […]

Ed Markey’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Moment?

Washington Free Beacon: Rep. Ed Markey (D., Mass.), who is running to replace recently appointed Secretary of State John Kerry in the Senate, compared the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision to the 1858 decision to uphold slavery, according to BuzzFeed. Markey made reference to the Koch brothers and Karl Rove spending undisclosed amounts of money […]

But Should He Have Shot-Put A Stone Into The Water For That Extra Touch?

by Smitty Richard Tisei for Congress This is the kind of breather we need from the other guys. (Title refers to this classic.)

Is It Ironic That Elizabeth Warren, Slated To Head The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Has A Potential Credit Card Fraud Problem?

by Smitty Breitbart notes the Boston Globe’s report of a $36 million dollar for Pseudajawea–good on her–and then this worrisome bit: Yet more than 40% of these funds–an estimated $16 million–have come online via two websites that do not have industry-standard protections and are vulnerable to fraud and illegal foreign national donations. Today’s report, which […]

Sean Bielat Trifecta

by Smitty Sean continues to rock MA-4, with this new TV spot: and also with this debate with Joe Kennedy III in two installments: finally: Even the Boston Globe figures Joe Kennedy III is phoning it in just a tad too much. Sean Bielat for Congress, MA-4? Sorry, Joe: BHO used up this century’s No-Talent […]

MA-4: Has Obama Taught Us About Electing Buffoons? NO To Joe Kennedy III, YES To Sean Bielat

by Smitty Via Not Another Kennedy: Sean Bielat, despite his impressive 2010 showing that drove the odious Barney Frank into retirement, faces an uphill battle this November to represent MA-4. Lesser Americans might melt; Marines thrive on the challenge. In stark contrast to Sean’s leadership and managerial skills, Little Joe brings. . .name recognition. Also, […]

Warren ‘Got Her Fake Native American Ass Handed to Her’ by Brown in Debate

So says Aleister at American Glob, admitting that his judgment is perhaps not entirely objective. Da Tech Guy was less sanguine: This debate was pretty much a wash, I think that helps Warren because of her slight lead. When a great part of your appeal is likability a debate that makes you want to throw […]

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