The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

UPDATE: Two Victims Identified in Columbia Mall Shooting Near Baltimore

It is always a mistake to speculate on the motive for mass murder until you know the identity of the murderer, and so we must resist such temptation in regard to today’s incident at the Mall in Columbia, a Howard County suburb of Baltimore, Maryland: Three people were killed and one was injured by gunfire […]

Maryland: The Crazy State

Thursday, I asked that you go hit Jeff Quinton’s tip jar after he was the target of a crazy act of retaliation by disgruntled Maryland Republicans. Jeff has a wife and baby at home and, believe it or not, things got even crazier Friday — and I mean, criminally crazy.  

Why Isn’t Craig Richard Gillette’s Name on the Maryland Sex Offender Registry?

As we now know, Craig Richard Gillette pleaded guilty to a federal child pornography charge in 1999. One would think such a conviction would require Gillette, a spokesman for Brett Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project, to register as a sex offender. Yet a search of the Maryland Sex Offender Registry does not show a listing […]

‘Protest,’ Riots, To-may-to, To-mah-to

Jeff Quinton reports a story today with the headline, “Marxists to protest Zimmerman trial verdict in Baltimore.”  This “protest” will involve “activists,” says the Baltimore Sun, which reports that the “The Baltimore People’s Power Assembly” is organizing the riot looting peaceful demonstration, but evidently the Professional Journalist didn’t bother to ask, “Who is The Baltimore People’s Power Assembly”? […]

Maryland Democrat Leads Key Group: Criminal Perverts for Martin O’Malley

Scott Markle is registered as a Democrat and as a sex offender. “A Carroll County man faces up to 20 years in federal prison after being charged with possession of child pornography. 51 year old Scott Wade Markle made a brief appearance Friday in Carroll County District Court on a separate charge of failing to […]

E-Mail From a Former Maryland Resident to Howard County (Md.) State’s Attorney

REQUESTING STATEMENT ON HARASSMENT POLICY Monday, April 8, 2013 1:22 PM From: To: Cc: Dear Sirs: As I am certain you are now aware, it has been reported that the office of Howard County State’s Attorney has refused to prosecute persons accused of online harassment, in apparent contravention of Maryland Criminal Statutes […]

Harassment Is Not Journalism

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” “If you’re so concerned about your safety, don’t come to Maryland.” — Jim Brewer, Howard County (Md.) Assistant State’s Attorney Bill Schmalfeldt has directed 20+ unsolicited hostile Tweets at me in past 2 hours; he’s now objecting to being called “cyberstalker.” — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) […]

Maryland Attorney General Investigates Abortionist Linked in Woman’s Death

Steve Ertelt at Life News reports: Following a new probe started by local officials, the Maryland Attorney General has opened an investigation into the late-term abortion practitioner who killed a woman last week in a botched abortion. The Maryland Attorney General’s office is not specifically looking into the death of 29-year-old woman from a botched […]

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