The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

@MiltonWolfMD Is All: “Virginia Has Three Senators”, And I’m All: “Wut?”

by Smitty I mean, I’m used to checking the back of the milk carton to discover how long it’s been since anyone sighted Kane or Warner. Imagine my shock to see this tweet: Pat Roberts (R-VA) Wants 6 More Years in Washington to Do What Exactly? #47years — Dr. Milton Wolf (@miltonwolfmd) March 25, […]

Preach It, Dr. Wolf!

by Smitty 2014: YEAR OF THE CONCERN TROLL => Primary challenger to Pat Roberts found to have some curious Facebook postings — Keystone Keynesian (@smitty_one_each) February 23, 2014 For having made some insensitive remarks, the Vichy GOP incumbent is trying to disqualify Dr. Wolf, who responds: My training as a diagnostic radiologist included the […]

Despite Death in Carhart Clinic, Fanatics Want to Open Abortion Clinic in Wichita

Their obessive devotion to baby-killng is remarkable: Wichita, Kansas, has been without a local abortion provider since an anti-abortion extremist murdered Dr. George Tiller in his church in May 2009. Now, one of Tiller’s former employees has bought his clinic and intends to reopen it this spring. The Trust Women Foundation, led by former Tiller […]

People Are Not Paying Attention To What Obama Says

by Smitty She said she was honored to meet Obama, but she is also frustrated that she has yet to receive help from either her insurance companies or the government. “The president told me I would get immediate help,” she said. @jammiewf The immediate help was delivered. After that instant, however, the differences in the […]


Headline from the New York Times: Santorum Takes a Decisive Victory in Kansas Caucuses Now the story from the Wall Street Journal: OLATHE, Kan.—Rick Santorum easily won the Republican presidential caucuses in Kansas on Saturday as the front-runner, Mitt Romney, didn’t campaign the state. . . . With 95% of precincts reporting, Mr. Santorum had 51% […]

If Rick Santorum Wins Kansas …

. . . it will add to the valuable perception of renewed momentum he got from his strong showing on Super Tuesday, when he won primaries in Tennessee and Oklahoma, as well as the North Dakota caucuses, came within 1% of Romney in Ohio, and ran a strong second nearly everywhere else. And it looks […]

How Many GOP Delegates in Oz?

An important question, because Newt is not in Kansas anymore: The Gingrich campaign is cancelling all Kansas events to focus on Mississippi and Alabama. KS caucuses Sat. Miss, Ala primaries Tues. That’s via Twitchy, a new social-media site that I learned about via Bob Belvedere at Camp of the Saints, who got it from Michelle Malkin, […]

What’s the Matter With Kansas?

Nothing at all, as evidenced by these billboards Dan Blatt saw on I-70 near Fort Riley: SCOAMF. IYKWIMAKITYD.