The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Iowa Victory Lap

DES MOINES, Iowa Today I checked out of the hotel near Santorum HQ in Johnston and drove down toward the Des Moines International Airport where I checked into a cheap motel. Then I went to Taco John’s and got four tacos, a burrito, chips and salsa. On the way back to the motel, I stopped […]

Bachmann Quits 2012 Campaign

UPDATE 10:40 a.m. CT: WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — Rep. Michele Bachammn just announced she would quit the 2012 presidential race. She praised God and spoke about the Founders of the American Republic, vowing her continued determination to repeal ObamaCare, calling it a formula for leading America down the road to socialism. UPDATE 10:55 a.m. […]

News Of Rick Santorum’s Iowa Triumph Reaches A Certain Bunker. . .

by Smitty The task of managing delivery of the 2012 GOP concession speech is not an easy one. . .

UPDATE: Santorum Surge in Precinct Numbers Exceeds Poll Projections

JOHNSTON, Iowa UPDATE 2:30 a.m. CT: Well, I’ve hit my deadline for The American Spectator, and Phil Klein of the Washington Examiner has invited me to breakfast. All rest of the press corps have left the Stoney Brook here, except for a guy filing an article for a French magazine. And this will be my […]

Pre-Caucus Night Nap Time

The rented Mustang convertible I got for the price of a Toyota JOHNSTON, Iowa Just got back from the Stony Creek Inn, across the highway from my hotel, where they’re setting up for tonight’s big victory celebration for Rick Santorum. Just so you know: Election Night events are always billed in advance as “victory” parties, because […]

Desperate Hours in the Hawkeye State

JOHNSTON, Iowa Republican voters are getting bombarded with robocalls all over Iowa. Last night, I talked to the night clerk at my hotel here. She’s a mother of three and a Republican, an undecided voter who isn’t even sure she’ll attend her precinct caucus tonight in Grimes. She told me she’s getting calls at home […]

Remember the Crying Girl?

JOHNSTON, Iowa Last night I called my wife and told her I loved her, after listening to Rick Santorum’s speech to his supporters at the final town hall meeting before Caucus Day here in Iowa. Santorum paid tribute to his wife, Karen, and also to his children, who have worked so hard and sacrificed so […]

Santorum, Duggars, And Fundraising As The Deadline Looms

by Smitty Stacy is getting down to crunch time, somewhere in the corner of an Iowa deli. He asks that I call your attention to something he put up in the Green Room, over at Hot Air: For months, Santorum has been the only Republican presidential candidate whose campaign didn’t have a big custom bus […]

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