The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Violence Against Women Update: Illegal Alien Murdered College Girl, Police Say

Police say illegal alien Christian Bahena-Rivera (left) killed Mollie Tibbetts (right). He left her body in an Iowa cornfield: A Mexican national illegally residing in the U.S. has been charged with first degree murder in the disappearance and death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts, officials said at a press conference at Poweshiek County Sheriff’s […]

First-Person Plural Pronouns: Steve King and the Problems of ‘Our Civilization’

  Rep. Steve King is the most influential conservative in Iowa and, because of its first-in-the-nation caucuses, Iowa is one of the most influential states in presidential politics. The road to the White House goes through Iowa and, if you’re a Republican, you want Steve King on your side. It is therefore important to pay […]

The Iowa Caucus Is Rape Culture

Does that headline make sense? Of course not, but I’ve been reading so much feminist literature lately, I’ve come to realize that expecting headlines to make sense is patriarchal oppression. “Shut the f–k up! Because patriarchy!” To a feminist, everything is rape culture, and so the Iowa caucus must be part of it somehow. When […]


Jeb Bush will lose. The question is, will he be crushed, embarrassed and humiliated so badly that he quits? Probably not: Jeb Bush’s supporters have spent $15 million on slickly produced ads to win over Iowa voters. Barely registering in the polls and increasingly desperate in the shadow of the Iowa caucuses, he’s now trying […]

Will Cruz Cruise or Get Trumped?

  The battle for Iowa seems to be coming down to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump. Of course, there are likely to be five candidates still in the race after the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, but the debate Thursday highlighted the clash between Cruz and Trump: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz clashed Thursday […]

Michelle Nunn Pulls a Grimes?

Trouble for Democrats in Georgia: Another Democratic Senate candidate has refused to say whether she voted for President Obama: This time it was Michelle Nunn in Georgia. The same question has tripped up other red-state Democrats on the campaign trail. On two occasions over the past week, Kentucky’s Alison Lundergan Grimes has been panned for […]

Too Sexy for Iowa

The Constitution doesn’t guarantee you the right to be sexy: The Iowa Supreme Court ruled [Friday] that employers can fire employees towards whom they have an “irresistible attraction,” irrespective of the latter’s workplace conduct. The 7-0 decision, handed down by the all-male court, came about as a result of a lawsuit filed by married dental […]


Press release from Romney-Ryan HQ: Boston, MA – On Sunday, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will continue the bus tour across the Buckeye State by attending Victory Events at Celina Fieldhouse in Celina, Ohio and the University of Findlay in Findlay, Ohio, where they will be joined by Big & Rich. They will then attend […]

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