The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mitch Daniels Reacts To This Morning’s Comb-Over Post

by Smitty Indiana Governor and The Other McCain reader (?) Mitch Daniels used body language to emphasize the proper configuration of the comb-over, whether adorning a conservative or progressive noggin. It’s OK, Mitch: nobody thinks the less of you because you’ve vast tracts of. . .forehead. Just go cue ball already, man. Then again, via […]

Indiana Republican’s Campaign Gives Lesson in How Not to Deal With Bloggers

I’d never previously heard of Richard Mourdock, who’s running for Senate in Indiana, but I’m thinking his campaign manager Jim Holden didn’t win him any fans by grabbing Rebel Pundit‘s camera:

Mitch Daniels Boomlet Ends

He just threw Scott Walker under the bus: Democrats went into a behind-closed-doors meeting Monday, refusing to return to the floor. Today, sources told The Indianapolis Star that Democrat lawmakers have left the state. Daniels, a Republican, supported their right to deny Republicans a quorum to do business and the rights of labor unions to […]

VIDEO: 9/12 DC Mike Pence Speech

by Smitty Mike Pence was the ranking speaker of the day. Very easy to edit, and served up in seven pieces a tartar for your red meat delectation, 51, 281, and 1:   Clip 2 unambiguously calls for ObamaCare repeal: We don’t consent to runaway Federal spending. No new taxes: Reid his Pelosi. No new […]

Election 2010: Senate Primaries in Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina

10:45 p.m. ET: It’s all over for progressive Jennifer Brunner, who got electorally date-raped by the Democratic Party good ol’ boy establishment: Fisher outperformed Brunner in fundraising, had the support of Gov. Ted Strickland (D) and was the preferred candidate of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. . . . One of Fisher’s top priorities is […]

Primaries in 3 States: ‘If Stutzman Wins, DeMint Is Going to Look Like a Genius’

There are primaries today in North Carolina, Ohio and Indiana, where Jim DeMint’s backing of conservative Republican Marlin Stutzman inspires this reflection from Jim Antle at The American Spectator: DeMint has endorsed state Sen. Marlin Stutzman and has helped him raise over $220,000 in a matter of days. If Stutzman wins, DeMint is going to […]

Will ObamaCare Lead To Increase Or Decrease For Butt Drugs?

by Smitty (via Ukulele & ATJ via The Agitator) One one level, the whole notion of ObamaCare could make it the most expensive suppository in human history. On the other hand, the pros from Dover, who couldn’t lead two nuns in one minute of silent prayer, are guaranteed to accidentally wreck any sort of local […]

Indiana 8th District Candidate Rides to Daytona Bike Week Freedom Rally

Kristi Risk is one of five Republican candidates in Indiana’s 8th Congressional District, currently represented by Democrat Rep. Brad Ellsworth, who is running for Evan Bayh’s Senate seat. Risk rode down to Daytona to attend Bike Week Freedom Rally and had her photo taken with “Take Our Country Back” singer Chris Cassone: I suppose I should make […]

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