The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How Bad Is It for Charlie Crist?

“At this point, it doesn’t look like he could win a Republican Primary for Dog Catcher.” — Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling Kind of a nice plan you had there, Mr. Crist. All you had to do was to embrace Obama and get John Cornyn’s big money boys at the NRSC lined up […]

Charlie Crist Is Not Scum

Charlie Crist is the bacteria that infect the parasites which feed on the pus that oozes from the maggots which crawl through the slime that grows on scum.

How Doomed Is Charlie Crist?

Even has noticed that Charlie is toast: In February 2009, Crist embraced, both figuratively and literally, President Barack Obama when Obama came to Florida to tout the economic stimulus package that had not yet become law. At the time, both Obama’s and Crist’s favorability ratings were high in Florida. . . . Crist’s opponents […]

Charlie Crist Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot

Again. The headline says it all: Crist says he would not scrap Dem health care reform, can’t identify part worth keeping Trying to turn “bipartisan” and “moderate” into a matter of political principle is a losing game, because it means that voters are never really sure where you stand. Crist’s GOP primary opponent Marco Rubio […]

Tea Party Weekend: Daytona Bike Week Freedom Rally Is Ready to Rock!

Chelsea Schilling at WorldNetDaily: One year ago this week, tens of thousands of patriots held “tea parties” in 40 cities in protest of government expansion, bailouts and the stimulus package, launching a nationwide movement – and now those citizens are regrouping and heading back to the streets to “recharge the movement” Saturday. Feb. 27 marks […]

Special Election FL19: Edward Lynch in the First House Campaign of 2010

Of all the candidates making the rounds at CPAC last week, arguably the most important was Edward Lynch, the Republican candidate in Florida’s 19th District. Why? Because (a) Lynch has already won the GOP nomination, (b) most Democrats don’t yet realize how vulnerable this seat could be, and (c) it’s a special election scheduled for […]

Sarah Palin Mobbed in Daytona

She’s more popular than Danica Patrick! When NASCAR president Mike Helton acknowledged her as a special guest, she got the largest ovation from the room, packed from the front to the back with drivers, team members, support personnel and onlookers. After sitting through the meeting, Palin could not get out the door. Fans mobbed her, […]

Cue Your TiVo Now: Allen West Will Be On ‘Fox & Friends’ Monday

According to the press release, the Iraq war hero and FL22 congressional candidate will be on shortly after 6 a.m. ET Monday. I also understand from Rhonda Lee Welsch (whom I profiled for the American Spectator in December) that Lt. Col. West (whom I profiled for the American Spectator in June 2008) will be a speaker […]

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