The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If Marco Rubio Is Stalin, Who Is Crist? And What Does That Make John Cornyn?

Chris Matthews gets another thrill up his leg: Republican purge. Arlen Specter is out. John McCain, Charlie Crist and Robert Bennett are all being threatened on the right. Is this anyway to run a party or run it into the ground? . . . [W]hat happens to Republicans who don’t march to the right wing […]

VIDEO: Rubio Calls Obama Terrorism Policy ‘Short-Sighted’ and ‘Misguided,’ Approves Israeli Strike on Iran Nukes

Javier Manjarres at the Shark Tank gets this video interview with the Florida Republican candidate for Senate: Asked about the administration’s decision to strike terms like “jihad” and “Islamic radicalism” from national-security documents, Rubio says: “It’s naive, short-sighted, quite frankly, misguided in terms of what he thinks he’s going to accomplish. These folks don’t attack America because of […]

Charlie Crist: Is He Or Is He Ain’t?

Crist’s political orientation is currently more ambiguous than Elena Kagan’s sexuality, and the soon-to-be-former Republican governor of Florida is being rather coy about his much-rumored independent run for Senate: “I’m being very thoughtful and deliberate,” Crist explains. “I’ve got a big decision to make. I haven’t concluded anything yet, but I’m getting a lot of counsel, […]

How Stupid Is Charlie Crist?

Stupid enough to think he can get elected as an independent: Top GOP officials in DC now believe it is a virtual certainty that FL Gov. Charlie Crist (R) will bolt the GOP and run instead as an independent, sources tell Hotline OnCall. Over the weekend, Crist pulled TV advertisements that had been running in […]

Sunshine Götterdämmerung: Crist to Announce Independent Senate Bid Today?

Via Hot Air Headlines comes this weird story from Orlando: Dr. Rick Foglesong is the President of the faculty at Rollins College, one of our political analysts who has time and time again predicted a run by the governor as an Independent. And now, he says he has a source inside the Crist campaign staff. […]

VIDEO: New Marco Rubio Ad; PLUS: Rudy Giuliani vs. Arianna Huffington

On the heels of Marco’s endorsement by Rudy Giuliani — Sorry Charlie made the always-dangerous mistake of double-crossing an Italian — the Rubio campaign rolls out this warm, positive ad: FLORIDA SENATE: Key Race Roundup By the way, on “Morning Joe” today, Arianna Huffington and Giuliani had an interesting go-round: Why is Arianna defending Charlie Crist? I don’t know, but […]

Bad to Worse for Sorry Charlie Crist

Even a liberal Republican like Rudy Giuliani endorses Marco Rubio: On a conference call today with bloggers, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani discussed his endorsement of Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate, saying his endorsement goes beyond “whether Charlie Crist broke his word with me on several occasions — he did — that’s the reality, […]

If the Tea Party Had Started With 40 People at Panera in West Palm Beach . . .

. . . I’m pretty sure we never would have heard the end of the media guffawing. And I’m damn sure the Palm Beach Post never could have been bothered to notice. The Post is owned by degenerate heirs of the Cox family, who have notoriously plundered and ruined the Atlanta papers. Those treacherous elitist bastards did all they could […]

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