The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: FL-20 Republican Debate; Taxes, Herpes and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Javier Manjarres at the Shark Tank got video of this weekend’s debate, but first let me give you some background:  Florida’s 20th District (parts of Broward and Miami-Dade counties, including Fort Lauderdale) has been controlled by Democrats since the district was created following the 1990 Census. In 2004, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was elected with 70 percent of the vote. One of […]

Does Alcee Hastings Have A Point?

by Smitty (h/t The Corner) It is an endless source of startlement when listening to the Left, how words suddenly don’t mean what you think they do. Call it linguistic Progress. One example is how the word ‘illegal’ ceased to mean ‘not legal’ in an immigration context. Another is how the ‘Cut’ in YouCut moved […]

Why Michelle Todd Will Never Work
for a Republican Campaign Again

OK, so who the heck is Michelle Todd? Her name popped up in this story about Charlie Crist: Gov. Charlie Crist told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on April 30 that he would “probably” give refunds to donors who don’t approve of him leaving the GOP. . . . No more. . . . [C]ampaign spokeswoman Michelle […]

Shocker: David Frum Backs Marco Rubio?

Somewhat less surprising than if Charles Johnson or Conor Friedersdorf had endorsed him, but surprising nonetheless: Crist continues to lead the polls. I expect that lead to fade as Republicans rally to Rubio and independents question the grounds for Crist’s candidacy. I  hope that translates into a Rubio win, but I worry that a Rubio candidacy will […]

Charlie Crist And The Backpack Of Conservative Principles

by Smitty Dan Riehl reports that Charlie has been kicked to the curb by the NRSC website. Cheech and Chong do a fine rendition of a Crist figure trying to convince a webmaster that he’s packin’ the gear. More from Cassie: Heh: Charlie Crist’s flip-flop makes John Kerry look like the Rock of Gibraltar. And. […]

We Now Interrupt This Blog . . .

. . . for an urgent news announcement: MICHELLE MALKIN IS NOT WHITE She is, however, supreme: In an unrelated news development, Charlie Crist is brown. Like toast. MARCO RUBIO FOR U.S. SENATE

‘Someone Needs to Pay’

Meet Angel Adams, 37-year-old single mother of 15: The lifelong Tampa resident said she wants justice from the Hillsborough County sheriff’s child protection team that took her kids away from her two years ago and from Hillsborough Kids Inc., which got her kids back six months ago. “What do I do?” she said earlier in the […]

Take a Chill Pill, Phil

My friend Philip Klein of the American Spectator goes into Eeyore mode over the prospect of a three-way Florida Senate election with “independent” Charlie Crist: Yet, while a Quinnipiac poll taken last week found that he trailed Marco Rubio by 23 points in the primary, it also found that in a general election, Crist leads […]

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