The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Allen West Victory Speech

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Will be uploading these segments in stages, in no particular order. It was freaking awesome, is what it was. UPDATE: My plan for Election Night had been to end up at Marco Rubio’s victory bash down in Coral Gables. But I was a little late leaving Panama City in the morning and, […]

Final Warning: Polls Are Not Elections

PANAMA CITY, Fla. — We now have the final Cook Political Report forecast (“The midterm maelstrom pulling House Democrats under shows no signs of abating”) predicting a pickup of 50-60 House seats for Republicans. That would be a truly historic result, but it’s actually a note of sober caution compared to Jay Cost’s “Hulk smash” forecast: […]

Just Requested Media Credentials for the Marco Rubio Victory Party in Miami

PANAMA CITY, Fla. — Me and every other freaking reporter on the planet: Perhaps the most sought-after press credential in the country on Nov. 2: Republican Senate frontrunner Marco Rubio’s party at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. As of yesterday, the campaign had received requests from 232 media outlets. That includes 35 television cameras […]

Shout Out To Charlie Crist From Peter Cetera And The Lads

by Smitty Carol’s Closet links Fox about Charlie’s non-command of reasonable hours for messaging: “Governor Crist called me at quarter to 5:00 a.m. Monday morning. I’m just not up and at’em at quarter to 5:00 a.m. to talk politics,” Meek told Greta Van Susteren in an interview Friday night.”. “I think he’s a very desperate […]

The Evidently Obligatory ‘How Many House Seats Will the GOP Win?’ Post

Short answer: A lot fewer than they could have, if the NRCC had a freaking clue. Really. Ace of Spades interrogates Jay Cost about the likelihood of Republican gains on the high side of 60, which I consider insanely optimistic, given the face-palming incompetence of the NRCC. But first the good news from Jay Cost: […]

He’s Allen West

And he approved this message:

Why Vote Republican?

If Marco Rubio doesn’t close the deal for you here, I don’t know what more anyone could possibly say:

After Squandering $12 Million in Campaign Cash, Charlie Crist Is Now Reduced to Role of Debate ‘Heckler’

Yeah, everybody and his dog has already posted that video, but I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to point out how completely Charlie Crist has screwed himself and the GOP Establishment. Less than 18 months ago, when Genius John Cornyn and the NRSC endorsed Crist — “Those treacherous bastards!” — polls showed Crist leading Rubio by […]

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