Tom Maguire’s Excellent Idea: Let’s Pretend We Take Rod Dreher Seriously
This kind of thing never works out well for Dreher, whom Maguire catches accusing George Zimmerman of being “paranoid,” which is doubly hilarious given that Dreher was writing in the context of being cautious about the facts of the case. In fact, I have said all along that we have to be wary of trying […]
Piers Morgan: ‘What a Load of Fatuous Nonsense You Speak, Touré, Don’t You?’
OK, I almost never watch CNN and hadn’t previously had a high opinion of Piers Morgan, but on the other hand, I’d never heard of this Touré character at all, until I saw the Breitbart headline: MSNBC’s Touré Has Epic Race-Baiting Meltdown On CNN So I wondered what the heck this was about. Watch the video: […]
The Riot Ideology
Yesterday, I mentioned Fred Siegel’s The Future Once Happened Here in connection with the Trayvon Martin case. Siegel’s book is one of those timeless classics — like Christopher Lasch’s The Culture of Narcissism and Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed — that I frequently recommend as guides to understanding important social phenomena more deeply. […]
Trayvon Martin Rashomon
The first time I talked to anyone about the Trayvon Martin case, I cautioned against the urge to jump to conclusions based on media accounts. Remember, “Send the Body to Glenn Beck“? That turned out well, didn’t it? Whatever actually happened in the Martin case — and we still don’t know the whole truth of […]
#Occupy Sympathizer Who Tweeted About Killing Cops: Meet Rusty Braxton
As previously noted, when police shut down Saturday’s Occupy protest in New York, a Twitter user with the handle “smackema1” sent a message: “We wont make a difference if we dont kill a cop or 2.” After it was announced that a criminal investigation of the threat had been undertaken, the New York Daily News located […]
A Tale Of Two Viral Ads–Mark Oxner In Florida, Brian K. Hill In Connecticut
by Smitty Ladd Ehlinger’s yeoman work in support of conservative candidates in even the toughest political races is something of an inspiration. His Turn This Ship Around has managed to bring out the highest virtues of the Raaaaacism Industrial Complex.Not that there is any racial over- or undertone to the project, mind you. Barack Obama […]
Allen West’s Enemy: Mike Haridopolos?
“America is threatened by many crises, ranging from economic recession to international terrorism, but none of these threats are quite so immediate or so fundamentally hostile to our democratic form of government as the existential menace of Florida.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 30, 2011 Florida Republican politics is a Byzantine web of intrigue and […]
Florida Conservative to Limbaugh: ‘I Don’t Think That I’ve Ever Been Accused of Being an Establishment Republican!’
As I said this morning, everybody’s gone crazy, and it seems that even Rush Limbaugh drank the kooky Kool-Aid, inspiring a paranoid outburst that Florida state Rep. Scott Plakon felt obliged to correct: As a longtime fan and admirer of Rush Limbaugh, I was disappointed to hear his comments regarding the work of the Congressional […]
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