The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New-Age Cult Connection Emerges in Lesbian Couple’s Mystery Suicide Plunge

  Jennifer and Sarah Hart, the lesbian couple who adopted six children and drove off a cliff in an apparent family suicide last month, had connections to a New Age spirituality cult, according to multiple sources. The Harts regularly attended the Beloved Festival in Oregon, which involves former followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (“Osho”), a […]

Mystery After Lesbian Couple’s Apparent Suicidal Plunge Off California Cliff

The Hart family at a 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign rally. A lesbian couple, Jennifer and Sarah Hart, adopted six black children. One of those children, Devonte Hart, became briefly famous in 2014 after a photo of him tearfully hugging a white policeman at a “Black Lives Matter” protest rally in Portland, Oregon, went viral. Police […]

California Democrat Is Unemployed

  Gregory Salcido is a Democrat. A member of the city council in the Los Angeles suburb of Pico Rivera, Salcido ran for Congress as a Democrat in 2002, but lost the primary. Salcido’s politics are relevant to the repeated controversies that have plagued his career as a history teacher at El Rancho High School. […]

California vs. America

One of the “arguments” (an excuse, actually) employed by Democrats after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election was, “She won the popular vote!” To which the proper reply is, “Where?” In a handful of large urban states where Republican Donald Trump did not campaign, Clinton won by huge margins, and this proves . . .? […]

California: The Crazy State

  Junkies and crackheads get high on the streets of San Francisco, urinating and defecating in public, and the liberal Democrats who control the city seem to believe this situation is perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile, Southern California “finds itself in the midst of a homelessness emergency”: You cannot walk more than few blocks through [downtown San […]

The Queer State of California

  News from the Left Coast: The Palm Springs, Calif., City Council now has transgender and bisexual members — and is entirely LGBT or queer. Lisa Middleton made history as the first openly trans candidate elected to a nonjudicial office in California (Victoria Kolakowski was elected an Alameda County Superior Court judge in 2010). She […]

Freedom of Speech Is Genocide and Other Lessons From the 21st-Century University

  Edith Macias became infamous a couple of weeks ago when a viral video showed the University of California-Riverside (UCR) student stealing a “Make America Great Again” cap from another student. An ethnic studies major, Macias demanded that the hat’s owner be punished. At one point during the video, when the hat’s owner Matthew Vitale […]

Exactly How Did @BenShapiro Become Berkeley’s ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’?

“As conservative radio host Ben Shapiro spoke at the University of California Berkeley, protesters swarmed outside chanting various slogans. . . . Berkeley police said there were no reported injuries due to violence and no reports of any damage to property Thursday, as the crowd swelled to nearly 1,000 people.” — CNN Probably none of […]

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