The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tiny Endangered Fish Hampers U.S. Border Enforcement in Arizona

When Audrey Hudson of Human Events e-mailed to ask if I’d be interested in her story about the pupfish, I sent her back a six-word message: “What the hell is a pupfish?” Here’s part of her story: Federal agents must abandon their vehicles and chase drug smugglers and illegal aliens on foot through 40 acres […]

Usefully Dealing With Birtherism

by Smitty It’s really cool of The Donald to go all high dudgeon about the birther nonsense this late in the presidential term. Dealing with it in a useful way, in contrast, is Arizona, whose ‘fool us once’ measure goes to the Senate. As with checking for valid ID at a polling place, checking for […]

Complete Guide to Tucson Shootings

The Conservative Hideout compiles “Resource Links: Tucson Shooting Propaganda vs. the Truth.” You should go check it out.

The Word Is ‘Reprehensible’

Donald Douglas calls our attention to the latest cover of Newsweek, in which the gunman is wrapped in an American flag: The cover story by Jonathan Alter is more than 2,000 words. And what one word does not appear in that article? Zeitgeist. Remember when Newsweek used to do reporting? UPDATE: Linked by Stephen Green […]

Blame America First!

“Loughner is a pathetic symbol of the ignorance and paranoia eating away at American politics.” — Alice Miles, “How paranoia infected America,” The New Statesman (U.K.) How is it that one psychotic is made a symbol for all the other Americans who haven’t shot their members of Congress? If random criminals are to be said […]

Jesse Walker on Loughner and Zeitgeist

In the immediate aftermath of the Tucson massacre, the mainstream media went chasing after “right-wing” phantoms, as the managing editor of Reason magazine explains: In the meantime, people who actually knew the killer were talking to the press, dropping clues about what Loughner really was reading and viewing. Loughner’s friend Zach Osler, for example, told ABC that while […]

A Liberal Looks at Zeitgeist

She hates conservatives and doesn’t seem to care too much for me, but Sarah Posner at Religious Dispatches is at least willing to take a serious look at the Zeitgeist phenomenon: Because the film draws on a jumble of disparate conspiracy theories — from religion to 9/11 to the Federal Reserve — to paint a […]

Rush Limbaugh on Zeitgeist

“If the movies you go see tell you that your government was behind the downing of the trade center and the Pentagon in 9/11 — as the movie Zeitgeist did, a documentary — if you were told by Michael Moore that all of this was done on purpose, if you’re told that the rich have […]

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