The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

“I Said: ‘Cut Back On The Tariffs. Your Economies May Do Better Than Keith Richards Trying To Sell Face Cream.'”

by Smitty "…and then she gave me the Full Jessup." — I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande [K?] (@smitty_one_each) June 10, 2018 Who's gonna do it? You? You, Donald Trump? We have a greater responsibility to the Elite than you could possibly fathom. — I Came; I Saw; I Got Over […]

Clapper & the Invisible Spies of Happiness

by Smitty The embed below is due to If the #FBI had a basis for what it was about, then, in much the same manner that campaigns receive intel briefings and Secret Service protection, wouldn't a little courtesy nudge have been in order? — I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande […]

Halfway Through Destroying The Village To “Save” It, The Second Thoughts Kick In

by Smitty Prediction: the “Yeah, maybe we went too far” genre will going to ‘splode as the rot of the Obama Administration is exposed, and even the most useful idiots (I’m not enough of a Carol Horton scholar to know how well this shoe fits–I mean UIs in general) grasp that people aren’t quite the […]

Internal Civil War Raging (Not Raging)?

by Smitty The visible kulturkampf is undeniable. The Left seeks to continue to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” into a single “managed liberty” State, with Lefty pencil-necks guiding us. I get that. As Mueller’s Folly winds down, we’re learning that the shenanigans may not have started with the Trump campaign: The Obama Administration […]

The Parental Trump

by Smitty I wear my conscience on my sleeve. When made sincerely aware of offense given, fixing the problem now, Now, NOW! is an imperative to me. As a child, Dad would send me to my room to stew over my indiscretion for a while, prior to summoning me for discipline. As a father, I […]

Get Stuffed, Senior Chief @MalcolmNance

by Smitty I spent some time on Twitter today doing something wildly unusual for me: defending Senator John McCain over the (as yet unproven) allegation that McCain caused the USS Forrestal disaster. I’m no fan of the old war horse, and wish he’d retired a couple decades back. Yet, Senior Chief, your sanctimonious denunciation of […]

The Profound Sadness of Christine Emba

by Smitty Don’t know who this lady is, but she excels at missing the point, emphasis mine: But that doesn’t mean Peterson is harmless. At times, he leans into an oddly conspiratorial obsession with “neo-Marxist” liberal professors meaning to march us to the gulag via the gender equity in the classroom .?.?. or something. And […]

Outtakes From A Leadership Book By Some Guy Whom Troops Would Only Follow Out Of Morbid Curiosity

by Smitty And I looked at the top of Trump's head, and it snarled at me.The Tribble. I had to stop it.Nobody but me, with my innate xenobiological sense, could even detect the heinous alien menace that had possessed this otherwise quotidian buffoon. — I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande (@smitty_one_each) April […]

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