The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty “I forgave Betty decades ago,” I told her daughter Ellen. We entered my step-mother’s house. Time to fix it up, Betty having at last allowed she’d ride out her widowhood in assisted living. “Good to hear,” said Ellen. “Mom said little of you, and what there was wasn’t nice.” I picked up a […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty “Over Macho Grande?” we challenge the trenchcoated figure with the fake cigarette. “No. I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande.” “We lost the dearest and best that day,” goes this week’s passphrase. Nods. Leads us deeper into Baltimore’s maze of alleys, still riot-torn decades on. Hillary’s Faith Fairness Act, taxing churches, […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty It had not always been the case that the county government building entrance was the mouth of a clown. Prior to the re-appointment of Charlotte Clinton as TemPOTUS, (Hillary never having finished the second term, and the Clintons never having quite departed power) there had been more…dignity about. As Christians, the family had […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty “Is that you, Grandma?” asked Alisha. They poured tea and pored over photos. “Yes, I couldn’t have been more than 7 at the time.” “What kind of bird are you holding?” “Been 80 years. I’m blessed just to see it.” “No worries, Grandma.” Alisha produced a smart phone and sent a close-up of […]

Why Facts Matter

“Bad causes attract bad people,” I observed in 2013, when explaining why deranged, dishonest and deviant personalities had been attracted to the “Free Kate” banner, supporting teenage sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt.   Honest, sane, normal people would never associate themselves with such a bad cause, and so bad behavior by Kaitlyn Hunt’s supporters — including death […]

Feminists Lie About Rape

In the comments on an earlier post about the UVA rape hoax, someone appended a list of similar hoaxes perpetrated at colleges. The original source of this list appears to be by Eric Owens at the Daily Caller: In 1990, Mariam Kashani, a sophomore at George Washington University, who was a rape counselor and worked […]

Remember: The Affordable Care Act Is Pelosi, Reid & Obama’s Zombie Abortion

by Smitty Emphasis mine: The hard question about King is not found in these far-fetched efforts to defeat its plain meaning. It rests instead on the massive disruption that this interpretation could impose on those individuals who, in good faith, purchased insurance on the federal exchange confident that they could gain the subsidy. The government’s […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Happy New Year!

— compiled by Wombat-socho Welcome to the first Rule 5 post of the New Year, where we take a break from crime and politics (BIRM) and instead, as Lewis Grizzard once put it, enjoy the glory of God’s creation. For those of you perusing Rule 5 Sunday for the first time, keep in mind that […]

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