The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

That Time Hillary, Huma, Nancy, and Michelle Got Together To Commiserate

by Smitty Stunning result:

I May Not Have Been Blogging Much Of Late. . .

by Smitty . . .but I sure have been getting the smiles.

Perhaps @Twitter @Support Can Explain Why My @rsmccain Account Is Locked

I was scarcely on Twitter yesterday because I was doing research for my Sex Trouble series, but this morning I received notification that I am locked out of my account @rsmccain and I won’t be able to unlock it for 12 hours. There was no explanation given, but probably some enemies — feminists, maybe? Neal […]

Hulk Hogan Pulls ‘Bigger Digger Trigger’

by Smitty The Hulking One has apparently pulled the ‘Bigger Digger Trigger‘. That word, which, uttered by anyone of European extraction not named Quentin Tarantino, (why didn’t I name a child ‘Quentin’, so that he could be privileged so?) engenders (better use that verb before the SJWs have it cut off of the language) vast […]

‘Rape Culture’ or ‘Libel Culture’? Lawyers for Rolling Stone Blame the Victim

  Rolling Stone‘s bogus gang rape story, which falsely accused a University of Virginia fraternity of a crime that never happened, led UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo to sue the magazine for $7.5 million. Eramo said the story by Sabrina Rubin Erdely “portrayed [Eramo] as callous and indifferent to allegations of sexual assault on campus […]

Elections Matter, But They Don’t Really “Matter” Matter, Do They?

by Smitty . . .or: “Roberts: your prone position in infamy is assured.” So, conservatives: are we whipped? The only silver lining I can see is that Her Majesty can’t use SCOTUScare as a rallying cry leading up to her coronation. If the threat of a JEB nomination and a repeat of 1992 weren’t so […]

Feminist Tumblr: Still Crazy

Because I’ve been busy the past week reading Women’s Studies textbooks (including Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions), I haven’t updated you on Lilly the Human Train Wreck. She is the mentally ill feminist Tumblr blogger who filed a federal complaint against her university, which forced her into an alcohol counseling program after she accused a fellow […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty Sirens now, after the gunshot. Scream captured, Munch-meets-Pollock style, on the wall. Theirs had been a long relationship, full of pain, suffering, and degradation. They’d retained a twisted regard through all of the abuse. She certainly didn’t hate him, for all her wrist was still numb from the final recoil. The lurid details […]

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