The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Like a Bad Flashback: Florida Democrats Are Trying to Steal Another Election

Remember Bush v. Gore in 2000? Remember how Democrats in Broward and Palm Beach County “found” extra votes for Gore during the recount? Well, they’re back to their typical election-stealing tricks: Andrew Gillum may retract his concession in the Florida governor’s race. Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, conceded the race in a speech on Tuesday, […]

Sincere Opinion, Epic Troll, Or Both?

by Smitty SQLite (“sequel light”) is used all over the place, for example, within the FireFox web browser to hold configuration settings. It is “Small. Fast. Reliable. Choose any three.” It’s also public domain. Truly a wonder of our day. The author, D. Richard Hipp, apparently does just fine by offering support for the product. […]

Why I Still Twitter

by Smitty The sheer blarney of it all: Celebery is that green stuff with zero nutritional value, because it's all fiber and water. — I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande [K?] (@smitty_one_each) October 16, 2018 i think you mean celery. celebery is that brand of chocolate that’s the second-largest confectionary brand after […]

9 Second Explanation Of US Politics

by Smitty This has been all over Twitter: We need to discuss this clip as a metaphor for our political situation. "Cry to God" is the @GOP, which would normally just curl up in the fetal position when struck by the Sissy Punch Left. Whereas "Repent, Sinner" Trump catches the sissy punch and lets the […]

Et Tu, George Mason U?

by Smitty I went to the GMU bookstore, and I guess what they say about the state of humor on campus is true. — I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande [K?] (@smitty_one_each) October 2, 2018 Maybe they employ Sandra Fluke. . .

BREAKING: Kavanaugh’s One-Week FBI Investigator REVEALED!

by Smitty Must credit! However, this raises another question: This guy seems so strangely familiar. . .

The Deeper Meaning of Kavanaughkampf

by Smitty Should we be just a bit creeped out by the Left fetishing these SCOTUS seats? Patriots respect all three branches set forth in the Constitution. It’s a public thing. A practical matter. It’s needful. Keep in mind that, for the Left, which rejects God, government itself becomes a quasi-theological object. Lefties ignore the […]

Late Night With In The Mailbox, 09.18.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM Proof Positive: Kill Brett, Part III EBL: Keith Ellison – Assaulting Women? It’s OK When Democrats Do It! Twitchy: Is This Why Dianne Feinstein’s Been So Cagey About Christine Blasey Ford? Louder With Crowder: Keith Ellison’s Accuser – I’ve Been Smeared By My Own Party RIPPED FROM THE […]

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