The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Countering Violent Extremism’ Is A Perfect Phrasing

by Smitty Ed Driscoll seems to think this is ‘wussy‘ formulation. Note the accuracy, however, when used in the singular. What have we done against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Counter A Violent Extremist (CAVE), that’s what! I, for one, welcome this refreshing outburst of accuracy in countering the Flemish Menace from my otherwise systematically incompetent overlords. Via […]

Shocker: Rand Paul Overwhelmingly Popular in Lower Glennbeckistan

Rand Paul 59%, Jack Hussein Pelosi Conway 34% A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Kentucky, taken Wednesday night, shows Paul earning 59% of the vote, while Conway picks up 34% support . . . Paul . . . is now supported by 82% of the GOP faithful. That figure is up […]

Tea Party Victory!

by Smitty Correction: Councilman, not mayor. Stacy is headed in to DC for one of those hush-hush meetings with the big boys and girls. While driving and listening to WFMD, he heard about the stunning victory of one Brett Bidle, a freshman at Frederick Community College, the newly elected mayor councilman of Myersville, MD. Brett […]

‘Obama Derangement Syndrome’ Symptoms Include Ironic Flashbacks

People who live in deranged houses should not throw crazy stones, as Tim Blair shatters Charles Johnson’s delusions of normalcy: Born-again leftoid Charles Johnson denounces the “tidal wave of right wing nuttiness directed at Barack Obama”. Fair enough, in several cases; that birther obsession, for one, is downright crazy. But it’s a little rich for flippy Charlie to […]

Another Pat Condell Outing

by Smitty (h/t Jihad Watch) Pat Condell, making yet another excellent point:

Carol Swain vs. the ‘Tolerance Mafia’

“When my face was smeared across the papers in my state with accusations that I was an apologist for white supremacy, I thought it was time to get involved.” — Professor Carol Swain, Vanderbilt University Law School

Oh, Canada?

by Smitty (h/t Lucianne) Ottawa cancels Ann Coulter. Right-wing antagonist Ann Coulter cancelled a University of Ottawa address last night after organizers decided it wasn’t safe to speak. The move followed boisterous demonstrations outside that sponsors of the appearance feared could turn violent. Mark Steyn will no doubt have something blistering on this one, but […]

‘Irrational Anti-Science Lunatics . . .’

‘. . . like Tim Blair.’ Can you guess who said that about Australia’s most popular blogger? Maybe you need some clues: “[T]he Husky Blogger told me it’s always tea-bagging, racist, homophobic, right-wing extremists who commit such acts.” “Classless, clueless, ranting douchebag . . .” Inspiration for “Race Detective” comics. “[N]othing will dismantle a decent […]

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