The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Would Another GZM Post Draw Vacuum?

by Smitty (h/t Proof Positive) Not if it’s Andrew Klavan, picking through the cultural, i.e. non-pure-Libertarian, angles. This blog approves Klavan’s thoughtful, moderate take on the the issue. Update: the Daley Gator has a Dr. M Zuhdi Jasser, who is a moderate Muslim, anti-GZM post linked. Let’s hear more from Jasser and his crowd.

That Long Roman Catholic Memory

by Smitty Your attention is drawn to Lisa Graas, over in News Reel Blog, who has a lengthy post concerning Roman Catholic records of that soft, fuzzy, warm Cordoba period in Spanish history currently peddled by GZM proponents: Is the imam telling the truth? Catholic history indicates a different picture. According to our records, things […]

Pamela Geller Bikini ‘Scandal’?

Remember my joke — and it was a joke, in case you didn’t realize it — that Marcela Hoeven looking good in a bikini was a “scandal”? The Washington Post evidently thinks the same thing of Pamela Geller: The most colorful — and perhaps most visible — activist at the moment is Pam Geller, a […]

Laugh Your Head Off At Christianity

by Smitty Get a copy of the King James Translation of the Bible, and a friend. Turn to John 3. Read the dialog with Nicodemus aloud, as if the Carpenter and Nicodemus are from New York City. Loudly, accurately, with lots of body language. It’s an entirely new dimension. Here’s this bit about Islam, courtesy […]

Charles Johnson Uses Twitter to Push ‘Racist’ Smear of Red State’s Josh Trevino

Joshua Trevino is a Texan, former Bush administration official and Republican political consultant. In 2004, he co-founded Red State along with Ben Domenech and Mike Krempasky. A couple of days ago, Trevino was named among the “Top 25 Conservatives on Twitter.” And it was just about then that Trevino and his colleagues began kicking around a Twitter meme, “I’ve […]

The Flemish Menace Returns!

Yes, it’s true. Those dangerous “ultra-nationalists” who inspired Charles Johnson’s insane fears — Belgium Uber Alles! — recently popped up on the political radar again, as Jesse Walker of Reason magazine reports: In last week’s Belgian elections, the secessionist New Flemish Alliance emerged as the largest party in Parliament; if the group achieves its agenda, Flanders will soon be independent […]

Popular Children’s Book Condemned in Belgium for — Wait for It — Raaaaacism!

A new lesson in the bizarre nature of Europe’s “human rights” laws: Belgium’s courts are investigating whether Tintin’s 1931 Congolese adventures, when the country was a Belgian colony, portrays black Africans in a racist way . . . Bienvenu Mbutu Mondondo, a Brussels-based Congolese man, has spent the last three years pursuing Tintin’s copyright holders […]

Pat Condell And The Cordoba Mosque

by Smitty The peerless Pamela Geller links Pat Condell delivering yet another signature essay. Americans, we’re getting down to crunch time. Our good nature has been maliciously abused. Later, much later, we may again venture forth some moderation, but for now, it is time to circle the wagons and refuse to budge. If you’re remotely […]

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