The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nickel-and-Dime Ukraine Scandal: Foreigners Bought Bloggers Cheap

It’s MalaysiaGate all over again: Several conservative bloggers repeated talking points given to them by a proxy group for the Ukrainian government — and at least one writer was paid by a representative of the Ukrainian group, according to documents and emails obtained by BuzzFeed. The Ukrainian campaign began in the run-up to high-stakes Ukrainian […]

I Blame Pat Condell For The Appropriation Of Obama’s Spine

by Smitty Poor Barack. I think we know where your vertebrae, and those of a few other world leaders, went: via Paco Update: Linked by Catholic Bandita and The Camp of the Saints, and American Power.

NYMag Plays The Race Card On #YouDidntDoThat

by Smitty Raaaaacism, like flatus, is often closest to the emitter: The key thing is that Obama is angry, and he’s talking not in his normal voice but in a “black dialect.” This strikes at the core of Obama’s entire political identity: a soft-spoken, reasonable African-American with a Kansas accent. From the moment he stepped […]

TSA Must Be A Cow, Clearing Both The Shark And The Moon In An Idiotic Jump

by Smitty How do you work in an airport adjacent to Kentucky, where CNN blares 24/7, and not know the junior U.S. Senator from the neighbor state? The White House is standing by the Transportation Security Administration in its standoff with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and his father, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). […]

Showing Any Public Figure Crucified Is As Tasteless As Burning The Qur’an

by Smitty An interesting discussion came up today regarding the idiot in Florida who burned the Qur’an, and the resulting deaths in MeS, just north of me by a couple of hours. Burning anyone’s scripture is deplorable. Double deplorable for anyone nominally a follower of the Christ. Do you really think He’d do such? Really? […]

The Decline and Fall of Lizardopolis

During yesterday’s Little Green Footballs dust-up, I recalled that a couple weeks ago, Diary of Daedalus posted these interesting charts illustrating the declining participation of commenters at Little Green Footballs: What you see is that, at its peak in 2007-08, LGF routinely had 1,500-2,000 different people — identified in the chart as “unique nics” (nicknames) […]

Patterico: ‘Charles Johnson Doesn’t Care About Context or Truth Any More’

“I was such a small fish at the time. I realized I was basically committing blog suicide by going against him. But he was wrong.” — Pamela Geller, January 2010 It’s interesting how easy it has become to ignore Charles Johnson and Little Green Footballs. A couple weeks ago, Diary of Daedalus or the Blogmocracy […]

Reader E-Mail: ‘I Live in Reality’

Image from the Art Renewal Center Regular readers will remember that earlier this week I found myself tangled up in flame-wars and attacked in the comments after I criticized a feminist’s attempt to use the Julian Assange case as a “teachable moment” to lecture about the protocols of condom use in the context of “no […]

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