The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mohamud’s Bad Luck Was Not Just Luck

Jeremy Lott on the Portland bomber: Mohamud thus makes three in a string of recent examples of Islamists who have plotted unsuccessfully to blow up Americans on U.S. soil. Last month in another sting, the FBI arrested Farooque Ahmed in Virginia for casing the D.C. Metro system to plot a bomb attack. In May, Faisal […]

Religion of Peace Update

No sooner had I compiled an extensive report on the rape jihad in England than we have this headline: Somali-American accused of plotting to bomb Oregon tree-lighting event Sven Olsen Mohamed Mohamud had gotten in touch with an “unindicted associate” in Sweden Pakistan and expressed an interest in anti-abortion activism “violent jihad.” So the feds […]

Criminal Pervert TSA Agent Update

Last week, we told you about the TSA agent arrested for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl. This week, it’s a TSA agent who kidnapped and sexually assaulted a woman. And guess what? He’s got a prior record of stalking and harassment. Come to think of it, “stalking and harassment” is pretty much the job description […]

Be Thankful . . .

. . . that I wasn’t flying this weekend. Because you wouldn’t want to see me stripped down to a Speedo for a TSA security screening. Or would you? Related: CBS reporter Peggy Fox taunts TSA protesters.

Total Security Absurdity

Gropegate continues to make news and inspire commentary: Allahpundit rounds up the news. Jeff Dunentz explains why they don’t need to “touch your junk” at Israeli airports. David Weigel notes that libertarian financiers the Koch brothers have become to the fringe Left what the Bavarian Illuminati are to the fringe Right. Ann Coulter, meanwhile, offers a relevant […]

TSA Boss Explains Groping Grandma Necessary Because U.S. Doesn’t ‘Profile’

Gateway Pundit has CNN video with TSA chief John Pistole telling Candy Crowley: “I think the Israeli model, which a number of people have talked about, uses intelligence in a different way, profiling. . . . That is top-notch security. The question is, do we profile here in the U.S.? No, we don’t.” So when a […]

TSA: Teen Sexual Assault?

What kind of people get government jobs as Airport Junk-Touchers? WHDH-TV via Gateway Pundit: A Transportation Security Administration worker at Logan International Airport is accused of assaulting a 14-year-old girl. Sean Shanahan, 45, of Winthrop is being held on $50,000 cash bail following his arraignment in East Boston District Court. He is charged with statutory rape, enticement […]

A. Because I’m Not Ann Coulter

Q. Why don’t I try to get away with writing stuff like this? Last year, a Muslim attempting to murder Prince Mohammed bin Nayef of Saudi Arabia blew himself up with a bomb stuck up his anus. Fortunately, this didn’t happen near an airport, or Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano would now be requiring full […]

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