Mosques, Sharia and Sedition
Frank Gaffney on Fox Business News: “A mosque that is used to promote a seditious program — which is what sharia is, as practiced by Faisal Rauf, as practiced by Osama bin Laden, as practiced by the Saudis and the Iranians and so many others — that is not a protected religious practice. That is […]
Pakistani Official Who Opposed Sharia Law Killed by His Own Bodyguard
Not an encouraging development: The governor of Pakistan’s most populous province was gunned down Tuesday at an upscale marketplace in Islamabad by a member of an elite police security contingent, officials said. The brazen killing threw an already teetering U.S.-backed government into even greater turmoil. Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab province and an avowed […]
Iran TV Blames Jihadist Bombing of Egyptian Church on ‘Zionists’
Because, of course, we know how those Zionists are: The fresh plot by terrorists to target churches is an organized Zionist scenario aimed at creating a rift between Muslims and Christians. A top Shi’ite cleric Hezbollah stooge in Lebanon parrots the propaganda of his masters in Tehran: “This terrorist act bears the fingerprints of Zionists who […]
Did President Obama Invent Muslim Victims of Egyptian Church Bombing?
Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit notes that although Obama issued a statement saying that the New Year’s Day bombing at a Coptic church in Alexandria caused “deaths and dozens of injured from both the Christian and Muslim communities,” news reports indicate all 21 killed were Christians, as were 71 of the 79 reported injured. So even though […]
Terrorism: Obama’s Against It
“I strongly condemn the separate and outrageous terrorist bombing attacks in Egypt and Nigeria.” Nice of him to make this clear, considering his long association with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. Associated Press video of the reaction in Egypt: This whole throwing-rocks-at-the-police thing doesn’t strike me as the Christian thing to do, but consider how Christians […]
OMFG: Katy Couric Says, ‘Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of ‘The Cosby Show’
Yes, she really said that. When I heard the audio Steve Foley posted at the Minority Report, I could scarcely believe it. How could anyone — even Katie Couric — be so incredibly stupid as to say this aloud? “Maybe we need a Muslim version of ‘The Cosby Show.’ . . . I know it […]
Hated by Haters
“Like the professoriate, publishers have become especially cautious, some might say cowardly or sadly, realistic. They do not want an Islamist bomb thrown through their windows, they do not want to absorb the cost of security for an author against whom a fatwa has been issued, nor do they want to pay to defend themselves […]
I Bet They Were Named ‘Sven’
Twelve suspected Lutheran extremists arrested in England: LONDON — Police on Monday arrested 12 men on suspicion of plotting an act of terrorism, swooping in major pre-dawn raids across the country. The dozen, aged between 17 and 28, were detained “on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism in the […]
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