The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


A man detonated a small bomb near Times Square in Manhattan this morning. A suspect is reported to be in custody. UPDATE: In what NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio called an “attempted terrorist attack,” the 27-year-old suspect named Akayed Ullah detonated a “low-tech improvised explosive device” in a subway station, NYPD commissioner James O’Neill said. The […]

NYC Terrorist Got ‘Diversity’ Visa in Program That Democrats Still Support

  How does an Islamic terrorist get to New York City? 29-year-old Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, the immigrant from Uzbekistan who murdered at least eight people in Manhattan on Tuesday, arrived in the United States seven years ago under what is called the Diversity Visa Program, a program that President Trump and the GOP have been trying […]

UPDATE: ‘This Was an Act of Terror,’ NYC Mayor Says; 8 People Killed in Attack

    Details are still sketchy, and early reports of such incidents are often wrong, but it is now being reported that a man used a rental truck to run over pedestrians and bicyclists in New York City. The driver was reportedly shot and wounded by NYPD and taken into custody. Six people are reported […]

Anti-White Radicals Terrorize Republican Students at the University of Minnesota

‘Antifa’ radicals terrorized Madison Faupel at the University of Minnesota. Minnesota is one of the least “diverse” states in America — 85% white, with single-digit percentages of minorities: 6% black, 5% Hispanic, 4% Asian. You probably wouldn’t expect too much from Minnesota in the way of militant racial activism, except that it’s a bastion of […]

‘Antifa’ Professor Facing 40 Years in Prison for Assault Claims … Victimhood?

Eric Clanton is charged with attacking Trump supporters in Berkeley. Three months ago, Eric Clanton was charged with multiple felonies after video evidence led police to arrest him for attacking Trump supporters at a rally in Berkeley. Internet sleuths at the 4chan forum identified Clanton, who taught philosophy at a California community college, as the […]

‘We Will Not Set Arbitrary Timelines’: Kellogg Has Skin in Afghanistan Game

National security advisor retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg.   President Trump’s decision to send 4,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan has enraged some of his supporters, who see it as a broken promise, as he had frequently criticized the Obama administration’s policy during the campaign. What is Trump’s Afghanistan strategy? His national security adviser, retired […]

Neo-Nazi Alt-Right Trump Supporter Commits Racist Terrorism in … SPAIN?

Morocco native Driss Oukabir reportedly rented van used in attack. In the wake of the pretzel-logic guilt-trip that blamed Republicans for Saturday’s deadly violence in Charlottesville, CNN will no doubt find some way to blame President Trump for the Barcelona attack: Barcelona authorities released the identity of one of the terror suspects behind the deadly […]

#Charlottesville: The Left Unexpectedly Falls in Love With the Word ‘Terrorism’

Did a cartoon frog inspire a terrorist attack? When Micah Johnson assassinated five police officers in Dallas last year, the Left was eager to evade the most obvious explanation: This was a terrorist act inspired by a hate movement called Black Lives Matter. Fast-forward 13 months, and a white guy named James Fields is accused […]

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