The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Text of Mitt Romney’s Speech at VMI

The text of the foreign policy speech Mitt Romney gave today at the Virginia Military Institute, as prepared for delivery: I particularly appreciate the introduction from my good friend and tireless campaign companion, Gov. Bob McDonnell. He is showing what conservative leadership can do to build a stronger economy. Thank you also Congressman Goodlatte for […]

Douchebag Lawyer Defends Denial of Service (DDOS) Attacks as ‘Free Speech’

At what point do those in the legal community who defend criminals — guaranteeing them their due-process rights, giving them “their day in court” — cross a line into advocating, endorsing or excusing the crimes committed by their clients? Not a moot question, given how Jay Leiderman speaks of the actions of the “Anonymous” hackers he […]

Ad Slams Obama on National Security

From the American Crossroads super-PAC: Headline at the Daily Caller: White House shifts spin on Benghazi assassination, downplays focus on anti-Islam video Here’s a good poll question: How stupid do they think we are?

Classic: State Department Attacks CNN for Reporting Inconvenient Facts on Libya

We now know that, despite warnings from multiple sources — including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens — about the rising threat from Islamic extremists in Libya, the Obama administration failed to take necessary precautions. After the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, the Obama […]

You Go, Pamela Geller!

Erin Burnett of CNN interviews a very brave woman: Seriously — go hit Pamela’s tip jar!      

Obama Talking Point: ‘Opportunistic’

“The best information we have now, the facts that we have now, indicate that this was an opportunistic attack.” — Matt Olsen, head of the U.S. National Counter-Terrorism Center, testifying to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee “President Barack Obama said he thinks Muslim protests against Western criticism of Islam are ‘natural.’ ” […]

Another Lutheran Extremist!

An 18-year-old named Adel Daoud was arrested after an FBI sting in which Daoud attempted to blow up a Chicago bar with what he believed to be a car bomb. There’s a lot of interesting information in this Associated Press story — e.g., Daoud was “accessing articles written by Anwar al-Awlaki” — but there isn’t […]

Report: 2 Marines Killed in Afghanistan

Among other headlines today: Reports: Attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan; Prince Harry training on base; 2 Marines killed — Twitchy Black flag of Islam flies over U.S. embassy in Tunisia — London Daily Mail Three dead as protesters attack U.S. embassy in Tunisia — Reuters Film maker behind anti-Muslim video ‘could be sent back […]

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