The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obama Seeks Tax Increase on ‘Rich’

So we’re back to this, huh? Another class-warfare fight over the “Bush tax cuts”? And more dishonest spin in the headlines: Obama Seeks 2013 Tax Cuts Within Limits — New York Times Obama to call for Bush tax cut extensions for those making less than $250,000 — CNN Fight Renewed Over Bush Tax Cuts — […]

Remind Me Again Why The Income Tax Is A Good Idea?

by Smitty Looking at “Obama approaches the key 50% mark” at Legal Insurrection, I’m wondering: given all the class warfare grief it brings on, as well as the opportunity for graft, what is the argument in favor of the temporary income tax again? It’s not like taxing income is some key input to balancing a […]

Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Goes Worldwide: Meets With Japanese Tea Party Leaders

Left to right: Yuya Watase of the Tokyo Tea Party and Jikido “Jay” Aeba of HRP wait while Herman Cain listens to translator Yuki Oikana. WASHINGTON, D.C. Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from one of Herman Cain’s aides, asking if I could attend a meeting at 5 p.m. Well, sure, of course, but […]

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley Is a Stupid, Dishonest and Incompetent Swine

Just printed my boarding pass for Jacksonville, where I’m sure CNN’s lovely and charming Jennifer Scoggins will approve my media credential request for Thursday’s super-awesome Florida Republican debate. (There was an e-mail mix-up earlier, but I’m sure we’ve got that straightened out, right?) Because of scheduling contingencies, I booked my flight to Florida one-way and, […]

House Calls Obama’s Bluff, Passes Payroll Tax Cut Extension He Promised to Veto

However it turns out, score this a win for Boehner: Defying a veto threat from President Obama, the House on Tuesday passed a bill extending a cut in Social Security payroll taxes for 160 million Americans for another year. But the Democratic majority in the Senate vowed to reject the measure because of objections to […]

Althouse on the Cain Train?

“I thought David Gregory really lost his cool early on, as he was questioning Cain about 9-9-9. If you watch the video, you can see he’s agitated and grimacing in a way that really lacks the usual polished journalist quality.” — Ann Althouse, “Herman Cain Nailed Meet the Press” This is an unexpected but really […]

Remember When David Gregory Raked Obama Over the Coals on ‘Meet the Press’?

Yeah. Me neither. When Democrats go on Meet the Press, it’s like Justin Bieber sitting down for a hard-hitting interview with Tiger Beat. (“Do you like puppies?”) When conservatives go on Meet the Press, it’s like Hans Frank on trial at Nuremberg, except without benefit of a defense lawyer. David Gregory just got through interrogating […]

It’s Not So Much The VAT As The Precedent

by Smitty I concur with Ace’s objection to the idea of a VAT: It should go without saying that the VAT is an exceptionally bad idea, whether it’s paired with a flat tax or a fair tax or any other tax and whether it replaces the federal income tax or not. Whatever its merits, they […]

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