The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Panic in the Hamptons: Tax-Hike Talk Inspires ‘Fire Sale’ on Mansions

Static calculation meets dynamic reaction: Hamptons homeowners have launched a selling spree, offering fire sale prices to get rid of their properties before higher capital gains tax rates are expected to kick in Jan. 1. Top brokers expect more than 30 closings on big-ticket properties priced from $1 million to $25 million. “There is a […]

Why Does the IRS Hate Redheaded Celebrities With Large Breasts?

Stop the hate! Add an IRS seizure to the problems taxing Lindsay Lohan. Uncle Sam has taken control of all of the “Liz & Dick” star’s bank accounts in an effort to recover $233,904 in unpaid taxes from 2009 and [2010] and an unspecified amount from 2011, first reported. Well, what’s a young celebrity […]

Retire #Taxby Chambliss

If #Taxby Chambliss gets away with insulting Georgia taxpayers, what’s to stop him from going full-out RINO? — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 26, 2012 Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss can blame no one else for his self-destructive decision to repudiate his pledge to Georgia taxpayers. His foolish decision to demonize Grover Norquist of Americans for […]

VIDEO: Paul Ryan Slams Obama’s ‘Tax Increase Which Would Cost 700,000 Jobs’

“The average tax rate in the industrial world on businesses is 25% and . . . our successful small businesses, a million small businesses, will get hit with a tax increase which would cost us 700,000 jobs if we go down the path the President wants us. We are not going to do that.” — […]

A Root Canal, Or A Post On Taxation. You’re Opting For The Dentist?

by Smitty There was an excellent panel yesterday on a topic that is so important, it isn’t addressed with any seriousness: taxation. Sure, candidates and parties natter on about it in a purely class-warfare sort of way. But that’s all hormonal whinging, turning emotion into power. Quite successfully, too. Which is why all that ‘fair […]

Harry Reid’s Financial McCarthyism: ‘I Don’t Think the Burden Should Be on Me’

The top Senate Democrat evidently believes he can make outrageous accusations based on anonymous secondhand “sources” and then require the accused to disprove his accusations: Earlier this week, Harry Reid revealed why Mitt Romney is refusing to release more tax returns: He didn’t pay taxes for an entire decade! It almost sounds too crazy to […]

… And the Pulitzer Prize for Recycling Second-Hand Rumors From HuffPo …

. . . goes to the Washington Post: Mind you the Washington Post isn’t citing an unnamed source that has talked to them, they are reporting that someone else (Harry Reid) claims that an unnamed source said something. I don’t claim to have been in this business all that many years, but I know enough […]

Tax Cuts Are Not ‘Spending’

Another reminder that they don’t teach economics at Harvard Law: “Republicans in Congress and their nominee for President believe that the best way to create prosperity in America is to let it trickle down from the top,” said Obama. “They believe that if our country spends trillions more on tax cuts for the wealthy, we’ll […]

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