The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Christine O’Donnell Is Surging: Three Ads From Tea Party Express

O’Donnell’s unexpected last-minute surge in the Delaware GOP Senate primary has caught some people flat-footed. How did this happen? It’s simple: For the first time, RINO Mike Castle is being called to account for his record with a series of hard-hitting ads (two on TV and one on radio) from the Tea Party Express: Let’s […]

Dennis Prager, Charles Johnson and Understanding the Left’s Smear Tactics

While I responded jocularly when Dennis Prager’s column was first published, a reader e-mailed today to suggest that maybe Prager would actually like to discuss this at greater length, so I sent this e-mail to Prager’s producer, Allen Estrin: Dear Mr. Estrin: In his Jan. 26 syndicated column, Dennis Prager responded to Charles Johnson (Little […]

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