The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Smitty and Tammy, Sittin’ in a Tree . . .

You probably know the rest of that playground poem from memory, but Smitty’s a married man and his wife’s not named Tammy. However, Smitty did get a shout-out from Tammy Bruce when she had as a guest on her radio show our good blog-buddy Big Fur Hat from If you lack the patience to […]

Rush Limbaugh on Zeitgeist

“If the movies you go see tell you that your government was behind the downing of the trade center and the Pentagon in 9/11 — as the movie Zeitgeist did, a documentary — if you were told by Michael Moore that all of this was done on purpose, if you’re told that the rich have […]

‘The Pack of Right-Wing Polemicists Who Make Big Bucks Spewing Rage . . .’

That’s Joe Scarborough talking about . . . whom? The comment in Scarborough’s Politico column is directed at Glenn Beck, but who are the rest of these right-wingers he’s talking about? Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? Laura Ingraham? From there, Scarborough pivots to indict 2012 Republican presidential candidates: We know Palin won’t call out irresponsible language […]

‘Somebody Has to Stand Up’

So says Mark Levin: [H]e offered $100,000 to Chris Matthews to find any example where Sarah Palin or Levin himself had “promoted the murder of anybody.” The direct challenge to Matthews took place shortly after Levin had played clips of Matthews suggesting Levin’s passionate radio shows were “angry” and apparently implying that Levin’s shows and […]

Malkin and Coulter Underrated?

Conservative Home, a new Web site run by people you never heard of, has published the results of a survey of “1,152 Republican activists” identifying their favorite pundits. The top five are Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity — i.e., the top talk-radio star, three Fox News hosts and and […]

Outrageous: MSNBC Broadcast Causes Left-Wing Woman to Make Fake School-Shooting Threat Blamed on Tea Party

On Nov. 9, South Florida talk-radio host Joyce Kaufman was named as chief of staff for newly-elected Republican congressman Allen West. That night, Rachel Maddow aired a video of Kaufman giving a fiery speech at a Tea Party. A shooting threat Nov. 10 led to the shutdown of Broward schools, and Kaufman’s resignation was announced Nov. 11.  Two weeks […]

Da Tech Guy on Da Radio 5 p.m. ET

During this year’s campaign in Massachusetts, the Blogfather of the Axis of Fedora began making occasional appearances on WCRN-AM 830, a 50,000-watt news/talk powerhouse in Worcester. After talking to the station management, Pete realized that a weekend show was a feasible proposition, hustled up advertisers to support it and will debut his own show today […]

Saturday: Da Tech Guy on the Radio

Please check this out: The Founding Father of the Axis of Fedora will have his own show starting Saturday at 5 p.m. on WCRN 830 AM in Worcester, Massachusetts. I’ll be a guest on the show and possible topics include Bristol Palin, Andrew Sullivan, Keith Olbermann, Kate Middleton’s breasts, the chances for Alyssa Milano winning an Oscar and […]

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