The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Jeffrey Lord vs. the Paulistas

Driving back today from picking up my twin sons at college — today was the last day of final exams in their first semester — I heard my American Spectator colleague Jeffrey Lord on Sean Hannity’s radio show talking about his war against Ron Paul’s supporters. It makes my head hurt to think about it, […]

SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Conservative Gets Unexpected Endorsement by Tea Party Blogger

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum unexpectedly got a New Media boost Sunday when a top Tea Party blogger endorsed the former Pennsylvania senator. “Santorum shines bright enough above the others that I am not shy about picking him as my candidate of choice,” said Peter Ingemi, the blogger and talk radio host known as “Da […]

Gibson Guitars CEO: U.S. Government Urged Him to Use Foreign Labor

Press release from KMJ-AM in Fresno, California: Tonight, in an interview on KMJ’s “The Chris Daniel Show,” Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz confirmed that the US government wanted Gibson guitars to use foreign labor over American labor: CHRIS DANIEL: Mr. Juszkiewicz, did an agent of the US government suggest to you that your problems would go […]

Ed Schultz Suspended for Being Fat and Ugly and Calling Laura Ingraham a ‘Slut’

But mainly for calling Laura Ingraham a “slut”: STATEMENT FROM MSNBC REGARDING ED SCHULTZ: MSNBC management met with Ed Schultz this afternoon and accepted his offer to take one week of unpaid leave for the remarks he made yesterday on his radio program. Ed will address these remarks on his show tonight, and immediately following […]

TONIGHT: Defeat Obama Radiothon UPDATE: With Herman Cain, Too!
UPDATE: Raised $56,000 in 3 Hours!

UPDATE 1 a.m. ET Friday: The phone lines were jammed throughout the three-hour broadcast, which raised $56,000. You can still contribute by visiting The Campaign to Defeat Obama Web Site. * * * * * * * * CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE at KDWN.COM! The Campaign to Defeat Obama will have a radiothon tonight […]

Beat Obama Radiothon May 19

Mark your calendars: The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama will hold a three-hour nationwide radio program Thursday, May 19, from 9 p.m.-midnight Eastern, anchored by KDWN 720-AM in Las Vegas and livestreamed via “The program will be hosted by Melanie Morgan (nationally acclaimed radio and television personality), Lloyd Marcus (Vice Chairman of The Campaign […]

Before Her Arrest, Nicole Sandler Smeared Allen West on Radio Show

Great catch by Brian Maloney at the Radio Equalizer: Former Air America host Nicole Sandler was guest-hosting for liberal colleague Randi Rhodes just hours before her arrest Tuesday at a town-hall meeting with Rep. Allen West (R-FL22). She unleashed a rant in which she called West a “misogynistic teabagger” — and urged her listeners to […]

Remember: Radio Feminist Fight With Little Miss Attila 10 a.m. ET Today

The three-week-old feud begun by Little Miss Attila — “oversimplified fiddle faddle”! — will get an airing today on Da Tech Guy’s radio show on WCRN 830 AMĀ (click the link to listen live online) at 10 a.m. Eastern. Attila is boasting that she’ll put me to flight. UPDATE: The consensus of the in-studio guests was […]

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