The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Problem … Is That Thomas Doesn’t Care What the New York Times Thinks’

Those are some of Professor Glenn Reynolds’ thoughts on exactly why the editors of the New York Times would assign a reporter to do a 2,700-word hit piece on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Twenty-seven-hundred words. That’s four times the length of a typical news story, and the piece essentially re-hashes a Democratic Party talking […]

Some Salve For The Kagan Vote

by Smitty Gary Marx at TNR has a little picker-upper concerning Justice Kagan, the bullet points of which I’ll repeat, but RTWT: This 63–37 vote was a victory for judicial conservatives. The climate regarding judicial nominations has been radically altered. Major interest groups that traditionally have not played a role in Supreme Court battles are […]

Kagan Confirmed, 63-37

The five Republicans voting yes were the Maine dames and three testicular atrophy cases led by (who else?) Lindsey Graham. “The confirmation took place as a thunderstorm raged outside.”

Ginsburg to Retire? Rumors Swirl Again After Kagan Judiciary Committee Vote

Remember my exclusive item May 28 at The American Spectator? Senate staffers Thursday were hearing rumors (ultimate source unknown) that the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is less than two months away. The plan reportedly is this: If Elena Kagan’s nomination to the court can be confirmed early this summer, Ginsburg would […]

Devastating Report on Kagan Nomination; Press Conference With Sen. Jeff Sessions; UPDATE: Press Conference Postponed

Americans United for Life is about to release a bombshell 54-page report on Elena Kagan’s 1996 intervention in the partial-birth abortion issue, and has scheduled a Capitol Hill press conference this afternoon: Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, will host a press conference today with several leading Senators at 2:30pm to […]

Elena Kagan Vote Delayed So That The Judiciary Committee, In A Break With Recent Tradition, Could Read Up On The Topic Prior To Voting

by Smitty Hotline On Call reports The Senate Judiciary Committee will not vote Tuesday on the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, GOP aides said today. GOP senators will use the ability of any committee member under the panel’s rules to put off a vote for one week, several aides said. […]

Is The Left Fretting The Kagan Confirmation?

by Smitty Update: See below, for Stanley Kutler playing a favorite old card. Let’s review Mark Greenbaum at Salon, and see what our purported post-term-of-the-week overlords might be saying on closed JournoLists. Summary: the fret level doesn’t seem too elevated, but the article has some nice digs, in any case. Members of Congress are rarely […]

Steady Development In The Virginia Lawsuit To Declare ObamaCare
Both An Exercise In Foolishness And Un-Constitutional, But Mostly Un-Constitutional

by Smitty (h/t Bill Dupray @ Liberty Pundits Bill Dupray introduces the jurisprudence upon which much could hinge: Judge Henry Hudson, a Bush appointee and former U.S. Attorney in the high-profile ‘Rocket Docket’ in the Eastern District of Virginia is a very solid judge. Many Virginia lawyers, including your[s] truly and Doug Mataconis, practiced before […]

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