Wonder If Anything Important Happens At The SCOTUS Today?
by Smitty Stacy has been too occupied of late to bequeath his wisdom upon the country. Today, hopefully, will be our Progressive nadir. The point were we read Madison in Federalist #62: It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws […]
SCOTUS ObamaCare Office-Pool Bet
FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION The thing about being dug in on a story — in the six weeks since May 17, I’ve done 61 entries in “The Kimberlin Files” — is that you ignore a lot of what would otherwise be Urgent Breaking News. Late last night, I was checking Ace of Spades HQ, and […]
You’d Think A Supreme Court Justice Would Know This
by Smitty Somebody pointed me to the New England Journal of Medicine, with an interesting Elena Kagan quote from last week’s oral argument, emphasis mine: Roberts also noted a mismatch between covered benefits and each person’s potential need. Speaking to the government’s lawyer, he said, “[T]he policies that you’re requiring people to purchase involve . […]
The Cold Civil War
by Smitty My current commute is ~45 minutes. I like to use that time to check in with Stacy, and continue the attempts to guide him along paths of TweeDeck righteousness. We’ll get him there. I also like to chat up my dad, a retired Navy E-7 with a GED who may or may not […]
E.J. Dionne, Political Psychic
Everybody knows that E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post is a liberal Democrat — both a partisan and an ideologue — a “social justice” Catholic from Massachusetts whose political beau ideal is Ted Kennedy. (Ah, “compassionate liberalism“! Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.) Only a person of such impeccably ironclad progressive credentials […]
Could The SCOTUS Prove Worse Than Nancy Pelosi?
by Smitty Big Government links SCOTUSblog, and then BG concludes, emphasis mine: Apparently, both Justices Scalia and Kennedy didn’t trust that Congress might be able to work out a new law that was actually Constitutional; Kennedy stated that asking Congress to do its job would be unrealistic unless the Court was speaking about “the hypothetical […]
Making ObamaCare Constitutional
by Smitty Here is a short clip, via Breitbart, of two modern Liberal sophists trying to dance around the un-Constitutionality of their puropse: What is the proper way for them to achieve the aim? Article 5 – Amendment The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this […]
Remember, We’re Paying This Incompetent To Steal Our Liberty
by Smitty Via the comments at Breitbart: Justice Elena Kagan asked whether refusing to buy insurance would constitute breaking the law, to which Verrilli responded that if people “pay the tax, then they are in compliance with the law.” That caught the attention of Justice Stephen Breyer. “Why do you keep saying tax?” Breyer interjected, […]
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