Judge Kavanaugh Doubles Down: ‘This Is a Completely False Allegation’
He again categorically denies the accusation from Professor Ford: On Monday, after Ford said she would be willing to testify publicly, the White House released an updated statement from Kavanaugh: “This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes—to her or to anyone. Because this never happened, I […]
Trauma Queen: What Do We Know About Christine Blasey Ford?
Did you know that “trigger warnings” are actually harmful? The trendy academic practice of alerting students to “problematic” material “reinforce the fear and compound anxiety.” This information is highly relevant, I believe, to the claims surrounding the 11th-hour hit job on Brett Kavanaugh. We are expected to believe that the accuser, Professor Christine Ford, […]
Memories Light the Corners of My Mind
In the 24 hours since I last wrote about the Brett Kavanaugh nomination (“Democrats Pull the Sleaziest Smear in Their Long History of Sleazy Smears”), further details have emerged including (a) the name of the accuser and (b) the name of Kavanaugh’s prep-school buddy on the night of the alleged incident in 1982. According […]
Democrats Pull the Sleaziest Smear in Their Long History of Sleazy Smears
As someone remarked on Twitter, Democrats are now trying to turn Judge Brett Kavanaugh into Roy Moore, and it’s disgusting. It’s also predictable and, in fact, was predicted in a prescient email that “a very smart conservative” lawyer sent to Weekly Standard writer John McCormack. On Sept. 5 — eight days before Sen. Dianne […]
Soros-Funded Group Paid Protesters Who Disrupted Kavanaugh Hearings
Gateway Pundit reports: On Tuesday several Texas doctors attended the Kavanaugh hearing in Washington DC. After the hearing the doctors told reporter Adam Schindler that they witnessed organized activists with a bag of cash paying the rent-a-mob protesters. Adam Schindler later posted a photo of a protester being paid after being removed from the […]
Democrats Planned (and Paid for) Hearing Protests: The Noise of Democracy™
Capitol Police arrest a Democrat protester at Tuesday’s hearing. If the American people want anarchy, they know which party to vote for: Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday vowed to be a “a neutral and impartial arbiter” if confirmed to the Supreme Court, after a chaotic first day of hearings on Capitol Hill amid political theatrics […]
Rhetorical Escalation
After President Trump announced Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee to the Supreme Court on Monday, Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) spent all day Tuesday engaged in a competition to demonize Kavanaugh. If you believe what Democrats tell you, Kavanaugh is the most extreme extremist in the history of extremism. How extreme […]
The Confirmation Circus Begins
President Trump has announced Brett Kavanaugh as his choice to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, and the political circus of confirmation now begins, a public spectacle coordinated by the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself). Kavanaugh is “a politically connected member of Washington’s conservative legal establishment,” the New […]
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