The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Elena Kagan: Bork Hearings Were
‘Best Thing That Ever Happened’

“I love what happened in the Bork hearings. . . . The Bork hearings were the best thing that ever happened to constitutional democracy.” Perhaps Judge Bork will be willing to share his own perspective on that experience during the Americans United for Life press briefing Wednesday. UPDATE: Dave Weigel reminds us of how liberals […]

Kagan’s Clone Wars

They’re not dead babies, they’re just clumps of cells: White House memos from 1997, when Elena Kagan was a top domestic policy advisor to President Clinton, show that Kagan — nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama — recommended that the Clinton administration permit cloning of human embryos for research purposes. Writing just months after Scottish […]

Elena Kagan: The Lost Years

That’s not the title of the classic film discussed here, but we understand the screenplay was based on her early career: David Mamet’s “Lost Masterpieces of Pornography” w/ Kristen Bell, Ed O’Neill & Ricky Jay from David Mamet Just wait until the Senate Judiciary Committee sees this . . .

Rumor: Justice Ginsburg to Retire

That’s the buzz among Senate staffers: The plan reportedly is this: If Elena Kagan’s nomination to the court can be confirmed early this summer, Ginsburg would then announce her retirement, so that confirmation for Ginsburg’s replacement could be finished before the end of the year. Those who believe the rumor see the Ginsburg retirement scenario […]

Trebling My Doubts On Elena Kagan

by Smitty I’ve been enjoined by the wonderful Cynthia to read Clark’s WSJ piece, as a Kagan apologist over the Solomon Act violation. Cynthia, via email, wishes to highlight that: It wasn’t a Sixties anti-war thing. It WAS an anti-discrimination thing over DADT, which, as you might expect, I think is completely legitimate. All through […]

Elena Kagan’s Bold, Refreshing, Courageous Heterosexuality

Y’know, when you have to get your friends to leak it, as if divulging a dirty little secret . . . Elena Kagan is not a lesbian, one of her best friends told POLITICO Tuesday night, responding to persistent rumors and innuendo about the Supreme Court nominee’s personal life. “I’ve known her for most of her […]

Doubling Down On Elena

by Smitty Jazz Shaw points out that you need a fairly stupid mark for Valerie Jarrett to be successful in her sales pitch. Valerie, if we think you’re selling used cars, as when the name Roberts comes up, you need to go away. You attempts to whitewash Kagan’s record WRT the military is quite offensive. […]

Rant Alert: Elena Kagan Should Be Given A Broom And Instructed To Do Something Useful

by Smitty Stacy may be setting up a google bomb based upon Elena Kagan’s after-hours interests. $3.50 and my interest in the sexuality of others (modulo my wife) will get you a beverage at Starbucks. I wouldn’t even afford Kagan the notice of an Uncle Jimbo cheap shot. This Newsmax article understates the source of […]

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