A. Because It’s Funny
Q. Why are you running this silly picture of Elena Kagan in a Nazi uniform? Somewhat more seriously, Jeff Sessions says he’s “disappointed” with Kagan’s answers during this week’s hearings: Watch CBS News Videos Online Orrin Hatch just came out as a “no” vote: Hatch said Friday that a Supreme Court nominee needs “both legal […]
Connect The Dots
by Smitty Via Insty a few days back, Hoosier Daddy on Althouse has one of the most insightful comments of the year: Interestingly enough in the last several years there have been four big SCOTUS cases which IMHO, really define our freedoms and personal liberty Kelo property rights; Citizens United free speech; Heller 2nd amendment […]
Elena Kagan Confirmation Hearings Resume; Media Failure Continues; UPDATE: Yoest Calls for Investigation UPDATE II: Yoest Video Added
UPDATE 8:55 p.m.: Video of Charmaine Yoest’s testimony: She was introduced — and subsequently cut off at the 5-minute mark — by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-EadBabies). UPDATE 7:45 p.m.: From the testimony of Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life: First, I urge this Committee to officially investigate the discrepancies that have arisen this […]
Kagan Fight Could Go Late Tonight; UPDATE: Video of ACOG Testimony; UPDATE II: Kagan Lobbied AMA, Too UPDATE III: ‘Late’? Recessed at 5:35
UPDATE 5:45 p.m. ET: Yeah. Three days, very few tough questions, and Pat Leahy closed by congratulating her that this would likely be the last time she ever had to testify. But is it really? Funeral plans for the late Sen. Robert Byrd will affect the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings schedule Thursday and Friday, and […]
Elena Kagan, M.D.
Excuse me if I fail to see how a Harvard Law diploma qualifies Elena Kagan to draft a medical paper on partial-birth abortion: It seems that the most important statement in the famous position paper of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists—a 1996 document that was central to the case of partial-birth-abortion defenders for the subsequent decade […]
Elena Kagan Sex Tape?
The guy with the camera looks a bit like Will Folks: Hey, I already own the “Elena Kagan nude” Google bomb. Thanks to G.G. for the tip on this one.
Witness for the Prosecution
On the list of witnesses for the Kagan confirmation hearings is a name I know well: Capt. Flagg Youngblood, United States Army Flagg is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, but I know him better as a former campus organizer for the Young America’s Foundation — we sat at the same dinner table at a YAF conference in […]
Kagan Confirmation Circus
Yes, Michelle Malkin has declared this Kagan Kabuki Week in the Judiciary Committee, where Democratic senators will pretend that Kagan is a moderate pragmatist, and Republican senators will pretend that they’re still relevant. Some quick hits: Harvard Law Student Ben Shapiro explains why Dean Kagan will make a lousy judge. Americans United for Life’s “Kagan […]
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