The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Racial Violence in South Carolina

A gang of eight black teenagers nearly killed a white kid: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy The Columbia (S.C.) State reports: The news of the vicious beating quickly riled the community. . . . It renewed fear of gangs roving through Five Points. And, the fact that a […]

Labor Unions Kill Jobs. Period.

Sean Higgins of Investors Business Daily reports: The business world is abuzz over the National Labor Relations Board’s complaint vs. Boeing’s new South Carolina production line. For NLRB critics, the case boils down to one thing: “right-to-work” laws. Right-to-work states have generally lower unemployment, higher job growth, lower taxes and better business climates. They have […]

Boeing and the Myth of ‘Skills’

Back during the 1990s, I got tired of hearing a line that Bill Clinton relentlessly repeated about the need to “invest” in education to provide “the skills needed to compete in the 21st-century economy.” As nice as that rhetoric sounds, it didn’t match the economic reality: Major manufacturers weren’t opening new factories in Latin America […]

2012 Candidates Not Named ‘Herman’

It’s kinda been all-Herman, all-the-time here lately, so let me update you on what’s going on with the non-Hermans: Democrats are running attack ads against Mitt Romney in South Carolina. Exactly why Democrats would be monkeying around in a GOP primary is an interesting question. (Hat-tip: Ann Althouse.) America braces for the onset of T-Paw Fever: Tim […]

Will Folks: My Sacred Honor Compels Me to Claim That Nikki Haley (Whom I Once Shagged) Visited a Strip Club in 2009

The Palmetto State’s most gallant Republican political consultant — the Deuce Bigalo of the Blogosphere™ — figured his reputation wasn’t quite sleazy enough: On Wednesday evening – as part of a separate investigation into the nocturnal habits of S.C. First Gentleman Michael Haley – our founding editor received a call from an exotic dancer in Myrtle […]

Dept. of Not Getting It

Frum Forum contributor Noah Kristula-Green has a post about last night’s GOP debate titled, “Why is Pawlenty On Stage With These Crazy People?” Kristula-Green includes this statement: Herman Cain was not someone I gave high marks to during the debate but he “won” the Frank Luntz focus group that came on immediately after the debate. […]

S.C. GOP 2012 Presidential Debate UPDATE: HERMAN CAIN WINS!

UPDATE: “Hands down winner” says Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, who provides this video of the soon-to-be-famous Frank Luntz focus group on Fox News: “We can stop right there!” UPDATE — MIDNIGHT: Just got off the phone with Mr. Cain. “At least a few people know who I am now,” he said, laughing. I asked […]

Herman Cain Set to Win S.C. Debate

Herman Cain appeared on the Neal Cavuto show Wednesday afternoon to talk about Thursday’s debate in Greenville, South Carolina. Asked about the presumed GOP 2012 candidates who are skipping the debate, Cain said: “I think they’re making a mistake by not being here.” Indeed, the state’s new Republican governor says the same thing: With the […]

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