The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Spartanburg Remainders: CBS Debate Inspires Media Fear and Loathing

SPARTANBURG, S.C. We had to leave Wofford College about an hour after last night’s Republican debate ended, because the Herman Cain campaign was having a private post-debate event at the Marriott Hotel. So I didn’t have time to upload many of my photos and video of the “spin room” activity, nor to register much of […]

Greetings From Spartanburg!
UPDATE: ‘No Runs, No Hits, No Errors’

SPARTANBURG, S.C. UPDATE 9:27 p.m. ET: Just caught Carl Cameron on his way out of the filing center. “What’d ya think?” he asked. “Seemed pretty standard, except for Ron Paul,” I said. “Yeah — no runs, no hits, no errors,” Carl said. “And Perry’s still alive.” That’s a neutral, objective fact — and quite important. […]

On the Road to Spartanville … Oh, Wait, No, Better Make That Spartanburg

DUBLIN, Va. We pulled into a McDonald’s here about 9:40 a.m. so that I could hop on the WiFi and get some work done quickly before gassing up the econo-rental (a black Ford Probe, $86 for the weekend) and heading back out on the road to Spartanburg, S.C., for tonight’s Republican presidential debate at Wofford […]

Nevada Sets Caucus Date for Feb. 4, Averting December Primary in N.H.

Florida set off a predictable chain reaction by jumping its primary to Jan. 31, and one consequence was the threat by New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner to move that state’s primary to as early as Dec. 6. The problem was that Iowa had moved its caucuses (originally scheduled Feb. 6) to Jan. 3, […]

‘Howdy. Thank You, Erick.’

Those were the first four words of Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s announcement speech at the Red State Gathering in Charleston, S.C., on Aug. 13. At the time, I was the only one who saw Perry’s diss of Iowa Republicans — his deliberate attempt to upstage the Ames Straw Poll held the same day — as an […]

462 Days Until Jan. 20, 2013

Inauguration Day, when four long years of endless misery known as the Obama presidency come to an end. And I’m counting the days. It’s 79 days until Jan. 3: The Iowa GOP caucuses. And it’s 107 days until the Jan. 31 Florida primary. To give you a sense of proportion, it’s been 72 days since […]

Looking Up From Here, It’s Barely Possible to See the Bottom of ‘Down’

BREAKING: South Carolina to hold primary on January 21 A friend sent me that on Twitter and then, via Memeorandum, I saw this: Nevada Republicans decided Saturday to move up the GOP presidential caucuses to January to preserve the state’s early voting spot, although it will cost the Silver State half its delegates at the national […]

Michele Bachmann to Begin Three-Day South Carolina Bus Tour Tuesday

Michele Bachmann greets a supporter Friday, Aug. 5, at the Spirit Midwest Christian Music Festival in West Des Moines, Iowa HARTSELLE, Alabama Fresh off her victory in the Iowa GOP straw poll, Michele Bachmann will bring her campaign to South Carolina tomorrow, kicking off a three-day bus tour of the Palmetto State with a 12:30 […]

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