The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

My Son, the C-SPAN Star

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. When we attended Rick Santorum’s town-hall event in Florence yesterday, the C-SPAN “Road to the White House” crew was there. After we got back to the hotel, they were replaying it on C-SPAN. My 13-year-old son Jefferson saw himself on TV and said, “Millions of women are going to see this!” So […]

Good-Bye, Governor Asterisk

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. I was sitting here working on my American Spectator column, with the Huckabee forum on Fox News playing on the TV behind me, when my son Jefferson yelled from the other room to tell me this news, which was a bulletinĀ on the “crawl” on the TV that I wasn’t watching. Huntsman Says […]

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. Having been in some media filing centers where we were lucky to get a cup of coffee, I just wanted to give a shout-out to the Myrtle Beach Conventions and Visitors Bureau, which provided the press a wonderful lunch today, with homestyle food and sweet iced tea. We didn’t get anything like […]

Santorum in S.C. Says Obama Views America as a ‘Mistake,’ Divides Nation

MYRTLE BEACH. S.C. President Obama sees America’s transformational role in world history as a “mistake,” Rick Santorum said this morning at a gathering of Christian conservative activists. The founding principles of limited government permit peopleĀ “to pursue their dreams, to provide for themselves and build strong families and communities and build a great country, as [Alexis] […]

Greetings From Myrtle Beach

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. We were somewhere between Nakina, N.C., and the South Carolina border, cruising south on Highway 905 at 70 mph when I hit the brakes. My 13-year-old son Jefferson, who had been trying to sleep in the passenger seat of the rented Toyota Corolla, sat up suddenly. “What? What is it?” “Deer,” I […]

Romney Leads by 21 Points in S.C.?

Carolina RINOs? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has opened a wide lead over his rivals in the South Carolina primary election race, trouncing Newt Gingrich and gaining momentum in his march toward the party’s nomination, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows. . . . The poll showed 37 percent of South Carolina Republican voters back Romney. Congressman […]

This Vintage Pin-Up Girl Would Probably Look Better in a Santorum Sweater Vest

This post is not merely a timely reminder that you can get your own Rick Santorum sweater vest for a $100 contribution to his campaign — although it can’t hurt to remind you — but also an opportunity to rattle the tip jar as I prepare to head back out on the road. While I […]

Santorum’s South Carolina Surge: Announces More Endorsements, Campaign Schedule for Weekend

Lots of news today for the Rick Santorum campaign, including three endorsements by South Carolina GOP leaders, Stephen Brown, Bill Connor, and Patrick Haddon. Brown had previously endorsed Michele Bachmann, and Haddon switched his endorsement from Rick Perry to Santorum. The Santorum campaign also announced endorsements by Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage […]

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