The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

South Carolina Primary Day: Before My Saturday Afternoon Nap in Charleston

The National Affairs Desk, 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Squinting at my computer screen while blogging about Will Folks. NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. Last night I lost my temper and blew up at Ben Howe, who was defending Erick Erickson’s pro-Perry bias as if it were an inconsequential thing to be shrugged off, despite its […]

Romney No’ Doin’ So Weel In SC?

by Smitty Leahy at Bearing Drift reports from South Carolina: I was out of the political loop for a spell yesterday and so missed Bob McDonnell’s arrival in the state to stump alongside Mitt Romney in what appears to be, and feels like, a spectacular collapse in support for the former Massachusetts Governor. Romney, who […]

Rick Santorum Crashes Blog Bash, Impresses Conservative New Media

Rick Santorum answers questions at Blog Bash party Friday in Charleston, S.C. At left is Alice Linahan, who arranged his attendance at the event. CHARLESTON, S.C. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum made a surprise appearance Friday night at an invitation-only party for conservative New Media, drinking beer, eating pizza and taking questions from bloggers and […]

Will Folks: Now His Sacred Honor Compels Him to Gay-Bait … Me?

CHARLESTON, S.C. Longtime readers will perhaps need no introduction to Will Folks, the South Carolina political gossip blogger who made himself an infamous laughingstock by claiming to have had an affair with Nikki Haley. The vile human stain whom I dubbed “Deuce Bigalow, Blogger Gigolo” is now supporting Ron Paul — go figure — and when […]

Deadline Hell in South Carolina

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley spins for Mitt Romney after the CNN debate, Jan. 19, 2012 CHARLESTON, S.C. Last night was one of those deadline nightmares that occasionally occurs when I’m exhausted, trying to make sense of a complex situation with a brain numbed by fatigue. I only got about four hours sleep after my […]

Some Things Never Change

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. During tonight’s debate, Mitt Romney started talking about his father, George Romney, the former governor of Michigan who ran unsuccessfully for president in 1968 and subsequently served in Nixon’s cabinet. When I heard that, I reached into my computer bag and retrieved a book I carry with me everywhere on the campaign […]

Perry Campaign Post Mortem:
Doomed From the Start

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. Several years ago I picked up a book called The Black Box: All-New Cockpit Voice Recorder Accounts Of In-flight Accidents, which is a major reason why, whenever I travel by air, I always pray before takeoff. Because what you will learn from studying air disasters is that takeoff is the most dangerous […]

Fear & Loathing: Breakfast of Champions UPDATE: Rick Santorum Wins Iowa; Perry Will Quit and Endorse Gingrich

The National Affairs Desk at McDonald’s in Greenville, S.C., 11:10 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2012 NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. My 13-year-old son Jefferson and I got back here at 2:30 a.m, and woke up Ali Akbar, in whose hotel room we’re crashing through Saturday. The topics of discussion were (a) the Republican primary and (b) why […]

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