The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bostic Campaign ‘Surging’ Before Runoff?

Volunteers at Curtis Bostic campaign headquarters make phone calls Friday CHARLESTON, S.C. What a way to celebrate Easter Sunday — out on the campaign trail. Well, it’s better than a Cesar Chavez tribute, I suppose. The fact that the 1st District runoff will occur on the Tuesday after Easter adds an extra element of uncertainty […]

Will Folks: ‘My Sacred Honor Requires Me to Endorse DCCC Fundraising Poster Boy’

CHARLESTON, S.C. Surely everyone remembers how the gallant gentleman Will Folks tried to derail Gov. Nikki Haley’s campaign by asserting that “his sacred honor” required him to claim that he had a sexual affair with her when he worked as a political consultant to her. And now Folks, whose career in South Carolina politics included a […]

#SC01 UPDATE: Mark Sanford Cites His Vote for DOMA in Local TV Roundtable

Campaign signs outside Thursday’s debate venue CHARLESTON, S.C. Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford cited his vote for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) during a TV appearance with Republican rival Curtis Bostic, three days before their runoff in the 1st District special congressional election. Appearing in a televised half-hour debate Saturday morning on Charleston […]

South Carolina Debate Aftermath

CHARLESTON, S.C. There is a golf course in the back yard of the mansion where I’m staying here, guest of a prosperous family who are supporters of Curtis Bostic. Whatever mental image is conjured by the phrase “Christian home-schoolers,” it probably doesn’t match this family’s reality: Truly blessed by the Lord, not only with seven […]

Greetings from Charleston! Debate Between Bostic and Sanford 7 p.m. ET UPDATE: BOSTIC WINS DEBATE

UPDATE 8:30 p.m. ET — Well, Mark Sanford had some good moments — in his closing, he quoted Barry Goldwater from memory — but Curtis Bostic was the winner. He pointed out the risk of having Sanford as the nominee: “Democrats are excited about the possibility of taking this seat back,” he said, pointing to […]

Headin’ to South Cackalacky!

There’s a debate tomorrow night in Charleston, Ed Morrissey interviewed Curtis Bostic this morning, and Ann Coulter says: There’s no “win” for the GOP with Sanford, except that Mark Sanford is bored and no one will hire him.  So the country has to take one for the team — Team Sanford! The country is important, […]

Can the Shoe Leather Fund Send Me to South Carolina? O, Ye of Little Faith!

OK, I never heard the name “Curtis Bostic” until last week, when he finished second to Mark Sanford in the South Carolina 1st District primary. Now, Bostic has been endorsed by Rick Santorum and polls show Bostic doing better than Sanford against Stephen Colbert’s sister. So it’s obviously time for a road trip and, with […]

South Carolina ‘Cash Money’ Loyalty

OK, we all remember Will Folks, right? The guy who claimed he had an affair with Nikki Haley? The guy is a lowdown polecat, which is another way of saying he’s a South Carolina GOP consultant — or, at least, he used to be one, although his anti-Haley smear may have made him too radioactive even […]

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