The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

OMG: Did You See What Haley Accuser Will Folks Wrote About Ashley Herzog?

Jesse Hathaway is a friend of a friend. I encouraged Jesse with his blog, Athens Runaway. Jesse went to college with blogger Ashley Herzog, whom I met at CPAC 2008. We’ll let Jesse take the story from there: Folks has… a bad attitude towards women. And that’s understating it. To give an example, he stalked a […]

Deuce Bigalow, Blogger Gigolo: Latest Developments in the Folks-Haley Saga; BUMPED: ‘Dangerous and Unreliable’

* BUMPED 9:15 p.m. ET – SEE UPDATE BELOW * If blogger/consultant/man-whore Will Folks has accomplished nothing else by his boast of an “inappropriate physical relationship” with Nikki Halely, there’s no denying that he has provided a target-rich environment for snark. (Ace was classic.) The fundamental question is this: Out of all the bloggers on the planet, why would […]

Nikki Haley Is Now Nationally Famous for Not — Not — Having Sex With a Blogger

Hell hath no fury like a blogger scorned: State ethics filings available online indicate that Haley’s campaign for State Senate paid Will Folks’s company, Viewpolitik, a bit more than $1,100 in consulting fees for the months of January and February of that year, along with a reimbursement of $173.50. . . . South Carolina Republicans […]

The Kind of Blog Post That You’re Thankful Someone Else Wrote

South Carolina conservative blogger Will Folks confesses to having once, er, dated the married Republican gubernatorial candidate he’s been promoting: Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki. Dude. Republicans already treat bloggers like whores, metaphorically. Now they’ll actually be expecting us to put out. For the record, Nikki […]

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