The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

More on the Bauer/Shealy Angle in the South Carolina GOP Sex Scandal

Erick Erickson’s report — indicating that GOP gubernatorial candidate Andre Bauer and his “shrewd” consultant, Rod Shealy, are the sources pushing the Folks-Haley story — has been ridiculed as less-than-conclusive by Allahpundit.  However, there is more evidence indicating a Bauer connection to the accusations by GOP blogger/consultant Will Folks. A South Carolina blogger suggests that Republican lieutenant-governor candidate Larry Richter — whom […]

Background to the Carolina Scandal:
Will Folks, Jake Knotts and the ‘Hit List’; UPDATE: Who Is Rod Shealy?

In August 2007, according to the (Columbia S.C.) Free Times, former Mark Sanford staffer Will Folks had an unscheduled meeting with Gov. Sanford in which Folks reportedly proposed a “hit list” to defeat a number of incumbent legislators in the 2008 elections. According to the Free Times, the “hit list” memo that Folks subsequently developed […]

VIDEO: Will Folks, Boy-Man

“I don’t look at what I do as being angry and mean, and if it comes off like that, then I think maybe some people who are being criticized, maybe I’m hittin’ a nerve with ’em.” — Will Folks, Republican douchebag And I mean “douchebag” in the most respectful and affectionate way. What’s weird is […]

Nikki Haley Interview: ‘Will Folks? Complete Douchebag! No Way, Jose!’ UPDATE: Team Romney Double-Cross?

Actually, the video clip of the interview at Charleston’s WCIV-TV was screwed up, so I can’t be sure that those were her exact words, but the station does report that she’s denying the whole thing: Haley, who is still determined, says it’s nothing more than politics. “It worries me because I think this is what […]

VIDEO: Carolina Sex God in TV Interview

Always reluctant to speak to the media about his shagadelic mojo, Will Folks gives an interview to WCBD-TV: He rehashes the “protect my family” excuse, which has never made any sense at all. How would a media revelation of an affair be more hurtful to Folks’ family than his self-exposure? He reminds me of the […]

Why We Hate Gresham Barrett

In case you haven’t been following the Folks-Haley saga — and really, this blog is 24/7 Folks-Haley lately — remember that it was supporters of Rep. Gresham Barrett, who’s running for governor of South Carolina, who were reportedly pushing the rumor about Nikki Haley. Why would Barrett’s people seize on that sleaze? Because Haley is kicking […]

Rule 6: Don’t Be a Complete Douchebag

Thanks to the commenter on the previous post who said that the exploits of Will Folks should inspire an addendum to “How to Get a Million Hits On Your Blog.” There is a line between ordinary human fallibility — sometime you hit the “publish” button and immediately regret it — and 100% douchebaggery. Will Folks […]

CNN: ‘There Is Nothing in the Correspondence Proving Folks’ Claim That He Had an “Inappropriate Physical Relationship” with Haley’

They buried the lede in the sixth paragraph, but that’s the payoff: The blogger claiming to have had an affair with South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley has posted a series of text messages between himself and Haley’s campaign manager that appear to show the two men colluding about how to handle the forthcoming scandal. […]

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