The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mistress, Actress, Heroine

by Smitty (via Insty) Amidst an excellent review of Nikki Haley’s campaign to govern South Carolina, Walter Shapiro says, emphasis mine: Haley, in her first statewide campaign, has proven a master of boomerang politics – making every attack seem like a vindication of her conservative populist outrage. Shouldn’t that be “a mistress”? I don’t mean […]

Allahpundit Mentions Me By Name

OK, he didn’t actually link me, but the acknowledgement of my existence is not a trivial thing. On the 4 millionth hit post, Smitty’s buddy Jeff Weimer commented: Now if we can get Allahpundit to start linking you, we’ll get that slump licked. You may be getting close – he actually mentioned you by name […]

South Carolina Sacred Honor Watch

Yeah, I stole the “sacred honor” thing from Ace. Crucify me. He’s taking the day off and missed the latest development, so I’m forced to imagine how Ace would headline it: Will Folks: Sacred Honor Compels Me to Drop More Hints That Might Look Like Threats But I’m a Southern Gentleman — and, Oh, By the Way, Nikki Haley […]

VIDEO: South Carolina TV Covers
Jake Knotts ‘Raghead’ Controversy

From Columbia’s WIS-TV: Meanwhile, GOP political consultant Wes Donehue, co-host of “Pub Politics,” justifies suppressing the video: We will not be publishing Thursday’s episode of Pub Politics. As we’ve said from the beginning of this show, our goal has always been to show the lighter side of politics in South Carolina. We want to show […]

Sarah Palin: ‘All Kinds of Made-Up Nonsense’ About Nikki Haley

Sarah Palin singlehandedly boosted Nikki Haley to the front of the pack in South Carolina. Now she’s standing up for Nikki in a recorded phone call to Republican voters: Hi there. This is Governor Sarah Palin. I’m calling on behalf of my good friend, and a brave and strong conservative woman, Nikki Haley. On Tuesday, […]

Nikki Haley Update: Jake Knotts and the ‘Raghead’ Heard Round the World

“We already got one raghead in the White House, we don’t need a raghead in the governor’s mansion.” — South Carolina state Sen. Jake Knotts Well, it’s come to this, has it? Certainly, I’m the last person on the planet to be screaming “raaaaacist” at other people, but it’s shocking enough that a Republican would use such language to describe […]

Stand Up for Nikki Haley!

Dan Riehl is exactly right: I’d rather be a little wrong now . . . than give in to low-life, bottom-feeders trying to find a safe rock to hide behind to secure their position in SC’s political stream. . . . I’m standing with Nikki Haley and her family. And I hope SC voters do, […]

Tweet From Nikki’s Husband; UPDATE: Video of Larry ‘Magic’ Marchant

Pretty simple, really: UPDATE: And here is Larry Marchant’s interview with WCBD-TV: “I spent the night with Ms. Haley, and we had sexual relations. We had sex . . . We had several drinks, we went to dinner, we went to a couple bars, we were with a lot of people — you know, it […]

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