The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Where Is Your Gallows Humor? Alvin Greene For President In 2012!

by Smitty (h/t No Quarter) Stacy thought it may have been raaaaacism. Jon Stewart didn’t think so, as he sent up the Alvin Greene story: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Nikki Haley Leads Big

Rasmussen says she’s looking good: State Representative Nikki Haley is running stronger than her Republican Primary runoff opponent in the general election for South Carolina’s first open gubernatorial race since 1994 . . . Haley fell just short of 50% support in last Tuesday’s primary race. She and [U.S. Rep. Gresham] Barrett will face off in a […]

Hope and Change (and Hateful Stereotypes) Liberals Can Believe In

Obama Oddly Unpopular in Former Slave States — Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo Yeah, thanks Josh. I live in Maryland, a “former slave state” where Obama got 62% of the vote. But never mind that. What does affluent Ivy League a–hole Josh Marshall have to say about Alvin Greene winning the Democrat primary in the “former slave state” of […]

Liberal Decides It’s OK to Hint Politicians May Be Hiding Their ‘True’ Religion

No, not Barack Obama. Nikki Haley: By no means am I questioning their right to convert or their sincerity. . . . I think, instead, that if Haley felt compelled to revise her campaign materials this way, it says a lot about what’s still acceptable to the voters she’s courting. Neela Bannerjee at Slate scrupulously […]

A. Because He’s Black, That’s Why

Q. Why did Alvin Greene win the Democratic primary for Senate in South Carolina with the same percentage of the vote as Barack Obama? Do I think that putting an accused sexual predator on the Democratic primary ballot was a GOP dirty trick? Yes, I do. But a much better question is this: Do I think […]

‘Folks Says He Lied to His Wife’

Ben Smith buried the lede in his profile of Will Folks: Folks says he was haunted by fear that the story of their affair would emerge after the Free Times, a local alternative weekly, attempted to report out Statehouse scuttlebutt on the subject. Folks says he lied to his wife about the relationship with Haley […]

Dem Nominee Faces Porn Charge

This is a classic: South Carolina’s surprise Democratic nominee to challenge U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint is facing a pending felony charge. Court records show 32-year-old Alvin Greene was arrested in November and charged with showing obscene Internet photos to a University of South Carolina student. The felony charge carries up to five years in prison. […]

PRIMARY ELECTION NIGHT HQ UPDATE: Lincoln Defeats Halter in Arkansas Senate Democratic Runoff UPDATE: Nikki Haley Tops SC GOP Primary With 49%; Runoff vs. Barrett UPDATE: Angle Wins NV-Sen GOP UPDATE: Whitman, Fiorina Win California GOP Gov., Sen. Primaries UPDATE: Graves Wins GA-9 Runoff

12:56 a.m. ET Wednesday: Congratulations are in order for Nevada Tea Party people: Republicans nominated former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle as their candidate to take on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Angle, the favorite of tea party activists, was endorsed by the Tea Party Express. She dispatched her two main rivals, and the Associated […]

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