The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lindsey Graham Sadly Abdicated His Elected Responsibility

by Smitty (h/t Doug at Malkin) Per CNSNews: Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said that Jesus’s Golden Rule inspired him to vote to confirm Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court and suggested it would be a good thing for his Senate colleagues to also ponder Jesus’s words as they prepared to vote […]

Alvin Greene Rocks The House! New Ad Is A Scream

by Smitty (h/t BlueGrass Pundit) Full props to Greene. You’ve got a campaign so uphill as to be purely vertical, so what are you going to do? Prep for your follow-on gig as an entertainment mogul or hip-hop personality. Maybe he and the Lonely Island can collaborate on some John Kerry work, for example.

Zombie Folks Still Prowling For Brains

by Smitty If you thought that enough shells of laughter had been sent into rumor zombie Will Folks, Right Turns Only informs us that no: no, it’s not been enough. Rumors that Will Folks has scheduled a Million Paramour March have not been confirmed. Dishonest zombies, it seems, lack friends.

Athens Runaway Lands In Myrtle Beach, SC. Nikki Haley Blogging Ensues

by Smitty Our old blog buddy Jesse is chilling on Ocean Boulevard in Myrtle Beach, an aerial photograph of which graces the masthead at his new digs, Right Turns Only. Starting off with a bang, Jesse catches us up on Democratic party tactics in the Gubernatorial race, where Nikki Haley toasted her GOP opponents to […]

Nikki Haley Wins GOP Runoff!

The Associated Press goes straight into the “historic” race-and-gender identity-politics stuff: Nikki Haley, an Indian-American woman, won the Republican nomination for governor and Tim Scott, a black lawmaker, grabbed a commanding lead in his bid for the GOP nod for a House seat in South Carolina primary runoffs Tuesday, a measure of racial progress in […]

I Am No Matchmaker

by Smitty However, with no fear of exceeding the realm of good taste, I would like to recommend that Kesha Rogers and Alvin Greene should do lunch. Kesha can help Alvin get something more substantial than, you know, Wikipedia, going for the campaign. It’s going to be a tough slog, going after Ol’ Julep DeMint, […]

Will Folks: Nikki Haley for Governor! (Because, Hey, I Tapped That Stuff)

Writing about “our founding editor” in third-person again. Will Folks is not scum. He’s the virus that infects the slime that covers the parasites that inhabit the entrails of scavengers that feed on scum. (Via Memeorandum.) UPDATE: Sacred Honor Watch at AOSHQ.

The Triumph of Alvin Greene

Good news for America’s favorite Democrat: Democratic Party officials in South Carolina voted Thursday to uphold the result of their controversial Senate primary even though the winner was Alvin Greene, an unemployed political novice who stands almost no chance of defeating Republican Sen. Jim DeMint in November. Meeting in Columbia, members of the state Democratic […]

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