The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Just a Coincidence, I’m Sure

Aleister at American Glob: September 11, 2009 – Obama Skips Ground Zero Memorial, Sends Joe Biden September 11, 2010 – Obama Skips Ground Zero Memorial, Sends Joe Biden May 5, 2011 – Obama to visit Ground Zero And how convenient that he’s decided to visit Ground Zero on Thursday — same day as the South […]

Fort Sumter 1861: ‘Strike a Blow!’

Today, a most momentous anniversary is the subject of my column at The American Spectator: Visitors to Princeton, New Jersey, may find there the grave of a former New York state judge who died in 1919 at the advanced age of 90. Judge Roger Pryor was not from New Jersey, however, nor was he a […]

Cleanup Crew To Lindsay Graham’s Office. Or: With Senators Like That, Who Needs The Constitution?

by Smitty (via IowaHawk on Twitter) Blogprof has the clip: Mark Steyn is truly the human chainsaw of sarcasm, but his wrecking of Lindsay Graham is a wonder: I have no expectations of Harry Reid or the New York Times, but I have nothing but total contempt for the wretched buffoon Graham. A mob of […]

Fight Over GOP 2012 Primary Calendar

The 2012 Republican National Convention is scheduled for Tampa, but Florida is trying to monkey around and move up its primary, prompting at least two state chairmen to threaten to strip Florida of the convention. Ben Smith at Politico: South Carolina Republican Party Chair Karen Floyd today brought into the open the simmering tensions between […]

Obligatory: ‘Hey, Did Anybody Notice That Allen West and Tim Scott Are Black?’

Video via The Right Scoop: Watch the latest video at Quoted at The Hill: “So I think that the — the liberal progressives saw the strength of the grass-roots movement that we call the Tea Party which stands for ‘taxed enough already’ and they tried to turn against it,” Rep.-elect Allen West (R-Fla.) said […]

Nikki Haley Update: Good Fight Worthwhile

by Smitty Jesse Hathaway offers an excellent overview of one of the more sordid examples of Lefty character assassination this campaign season. If it isn’t Sarah Palin it’s Nikki Haley, or Sharron Angle, or Christine O’Donnell, or Carly Fiorina, or Meg Whitman. Thankfully free of a suspicious nature, I’m somehow capable of avoiding the conclusion […]

Senator Jim DeMint Rocks

by Smitty (via Cubachi on Twitter) DeMint is a statesman. He, along with a few dozen other Senators and a few score in the House are the best hope for the country. This Weekly Standard profile offers a window into the Progressive rot that must be expunged, dating to DeMint’s Representative days: But when he […]

Dixie Rising

“If the question is which state has changed most in the last half-century, the answer might be California. But if the question is which state has changed most for the better, the answer might be South Carolina.”

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