The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Transgender Professor in South Carolina Attacks Feminists as ‘Cockroaches’

  Until a few years ago, Professor Rachel McKinnon was a Canadian, and was also a male. Rhys McKinnon attended the University of Victoria in British Columbia, where he got a bachelor’s degree in philosophy in 2005. Sometime thereafter, Rhys McKinnon decided he was a “she,” so that by the time he/“she” received his/“her” Ph.D. […]

Ray Moore Is Right!

Ray Moore is a candidate in the South Carolina Republican primary for lieutenant governor. He is also a courageous Christian patriot whom I first interviewed in 2002 when he published a book (and accompanying documentary video) called Let My Children Go. Moore is an advocate of Christian education and a supporter of the homeschooling movement […]

Sen. Lindsey Graham May Try Out New Look To Fend Off Tea Party Challenger

by Smitty Let’s face it: life is tough in RINO-land, and the growing backlash against political deadwood cannot be denied. The Blaze reports: It’s official: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will face a Tea Party challenger in 2014. A spokesperson for Republican Nancy Mace, who is already being billed as a Tea Party favorite, confirmed to […]

The Russians Call South Carolina’s Media Trajectory A Molniya Orbit

by Smitty Twitter was awash in SC-1 Jubilation about Sanford’s win over Colbert-Bush: So Mark Sanford won?yay, I guess. — Wodeshed (@Wodeshed) May 8, 2013 IowaHawk captures the depth of the opportunity SC-1 has missed for redeeming itself in the eyes of our mainstream media betters: South Carolina: bellwether of new progressive South to hellhole […]

My Thing, Your Thing, Our Thing UPDATE: Apparently, It’s #WAR

Dana Loesch has a piece at Red State about the controversy that ensued when Ben Howe wrote a piece at BuzzFeed criticizing a video from Tea Party Patriots. I never saw the video and didn’t read Howe’s BuzzFeed piece, although friends made me aware that there was some kind of kerfuffle about it. What. Ever. Part of the […]

Fear and Loathing in the Lowcountry UPDATE: Trail Hiker Wins GOP Runoff

UPDATE 11:15 p.m. ET: Welcome, Instapundit readers! As you surely know by now, 1st District GOP voters chose Mark Sanford by a 57-43 margin over Curtis Bostic. A few quick reactions from my Twitter account: Not every day a political reporter gets to use “inamorata”… So there’s that to be happy about. #SCTweets — […]

The Final Push in South Carolina: Candidate Showdown at Aunt Chilada’s

CHARLESTON, S.C. It’s about 100 miles to Hilton Head and took me more than two hours today, but I wanted to be there for this event: Republicans crowded into a Hilton Head restaurant Monday afternoon to hear Republican congressional candidates Curtis Bostic and Mark Sanford discuss issues in their final meeting before Tuesday’s runoff in […]

Sometimes, It Really Matters

Social media a key part of the campaign for Mark Sanford, Curtis Bostic — Charleston Post and Courier CHARLESTON, S.C. The campaign action today is down on the south side of the district with events in Beaufort and Hilton Head and, with the Republican runoff Tuesday, we’re down to the point of the race where it’s […]

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